IMSL Mathematics Reference Guide > Special Functions > BESSY Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)

BESSY Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)
Evaluates a Bessel function of the second kind with real order and real or complex parameters.
result = BESSY(order, z)
Input Parameters
order—Real parameter specifying the desired order. Parameter order must be greater than –1/2.
z—Real or complex parameter for which the Bessel function is to be evaluated.
Returned Value
result—The desired value of the modified Bessel function.
Input Keywords
Double—If present and nonzero, double precision is used.
Sequence—If present and nonzero, a one-dimensional array of length n containing the values of the Bessel function through the series is returned by BESSY, where n = NELEMENTS(Sequence). The ith element of this array is the Bessel function of order (order + i) at z for i = 0, ... (n – 1).
Function BESSY evaluates a Bessel function of the second kind with real order and real or complex parameters. The data type of the returned value is always complex.
The Bessel function, Yv(z), is defined as follows:
This function is based on the code BESSCC of Thompson (1981) and Thompson and Barnett (1987). This code computes Yv(z) from the modified Bessel functions Iv(z) and Kv(z), using the following relation:
In this example, Y0.3 + v–1(1.2 + 0.5i), v = 1, ..., 4 is computed and printed.
z = COMPLEX(1.2, .5)
FOR i=0L, 3 DO PM, BESSY(i + .3, z)
; PV-WAVE prints the following:
;   ( -0.0131453, 0.379593)
;   (  -0.715533, 0.338082)
;   (   -1.04777, 0.794969)
;   (   -1.62487,  3.68447)
PM, BESSY(.3, z, Sequence = 4), Title = 'With SEQUENCE:'
; PV-WAVE prints the following:
;   With SEQUENCE:
;   ( -0.0131453, 0.379593)
;   (  -0.715533, 0.338082)
;   (   -1.04777, 0.794969)
;   (   -1.62487,  3.68447)

Version 2017.0
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