VDA Tools > WzTable > Changing the Value in a Selection of Table Cells

Changing the Value in a Selection of Table Cells
The same value can easily be applied all at once to several cells in the table. The procedure for changing the values of data points in a selected group of cells in the table to the same value includes these steps:
1. Use MB2 to select (highlight) the group of cells you want to work with.
The current cell cannot be selected for highlighting with MB2. To include the “current” current cell in your selected group, first click on a cell outside of the group to move the focus to that cell, then go back to the desired cells and highlight them with MB2.
2. Type the new value in the Change Selected Values To text field.
3. Press <Return>. The new value is applied to each of the highlighted cells.
If you have the same variable displayed in another VDA Tool window(s), the change in data point values is viewable immediately in the other window(s)
See Also
Selecting Data Points in a Table
Changing a Single Table Cell’s Value

Version 2017.0
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