VDA Tools > WzSurface > Using Multiple Variables to Create the Surface

Using Multiple Variables to Create the Surface
Occasionally, you may need to provide coordinate data for a surface view in two separate variables. If you choose to provide x and y variables, they are used by the WzSurface Tool to determine the x and y coordinates of the gridded z data. The WzSurface Tool generates x and y tick labels using the range of the x and y variables.
Each of the allowed WzSurface Tool variables is discussed below:
zā€”A 2D array containing the values that make up the surface. If you supply x and y variables, the surface is plotted using the coordinates specified by the values in the x and y variables. If you do not supply x and y variables, the surface is generated using the array indices of each element of the Surface Data variable.
xā€”(optional) A vector or 2D array specifying the x coordinates for the surface.
*If x is a vector, each element of x specifies the x coordinate for a column of z. For example, x(0) specifies the x coordinate for z(0,*) (i.e., all elements in the first column of z).
*If x is a 2D array, each element of x specifies the x coordinate of the corresponding point in z. For example, x(5,5) specifies the x coordinate for z(5,5).
yā€”(optional) A vector or 2D array specifying the y coordinates for the surface.
*If y is a vector, each element of y specifies the y coordinate for a column of z. For example, y(0) specifies the y coordinate for z(*,0) (i.e., all elements in the first row of z).
*If y is a 2D array, each element of y specifies the y coordinate of the corresponding point in z. For example, y(9,9) specifies the y coordinate for z(9,9).

Version 2017.0
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