Attributes Menu (WzImage)
Attributes menu is used to modify the attributes of
graphical elements and plotted data. This menu contains the following commands:
Selected Object—Opens the Text, Line, Box, or Bitmap Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you change the attributes of a selected graphical element.
View Attributes—Opens the View Attributes dialog box for WzImage. This dialog box lets you modify the appearance of the image view.
Defaults=>Text Object—Opens the Text Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you change the text color, size, thickness, and font. You can also change the coordinate system used to position text.
Defaults=>Line Object—Opens the Line Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you set the default attributes for lines. Attributes include line color, line thickness, linestyle, and arrow terminators. You can also change the coordinate system used to position lines.
Defaults=>Box Object—Opens the Rectangle Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you set the default attributes for rectangles. Attributes include fill color, line color, line thickness, and linestyle. You can also change the coordinate system used to position rectangles.
Defaults=>Ellipse Object—Opens the Ellipse Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you set the default attributes for ellipses. Attributes include fill color, line color, line thickness, and linestyle. You can also change the coordinate system used to position ellipses.
Version 2017.0
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