Adjusting the Brightness
Depending on your data values and the color table chosen, you may want to adjust the brightness of your image for a better view. Brightness refers to the positioning of the center point in the color table relative to the minimum and maximum color indices. The brightness value represents a percentage position (0 to 100%), not a specific color index in the color table.
note | The brightness and contrast controls are related; contrast defines the range of available color table values that is centered around the brightness setting. |
The brightness is controlled by a slider in the controls area of the WzImage window. The brightness control can be adjusted any of these three ways.
Click and drag
MB1 on the brightness slider.
Position the pointer in the brightness slider track and click MB1. The slider is adjusted by 10% of the maximum slider value for each MB1 click.
Double click MB1 in the brightness slider text field and type in the desired brightness value. Press <Return> to apply the new value.
See Also
Version 2017.0
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