VDA Tools > WzImport > Variable Manipulation Dialog Box

Variable Manipulation Dialog Box
The Variable Manipulation dialog box allows you to change variable attributes such as the variable name, data type, number of dimensions (up to 8), and size of each dimension. Variables shown in the dialog box can be copied, modified, or reordered in the list.
The information in each cell of the Variable Manipulation dialog box is modified by clicking MB1 in the box to select the cell, and typing in the change. The changes made to the cell contents do not take effect until another cell in the dialog box is selected using MB1.
Variable Name—A column of text boxes containing the name of existing variables. The text box can accommodate up to 30 alphanumeric characters in a variable name.
Data Type—Enter either a string containing the name of the data type (e.g., “byte”) or an integer value representing the data type. Click here for a list showing the integer values of the data types.
N-Dim—A column of text boxes containing the number of dimensions (up to 8) of each variable.
Dim1, Dim2, ..., Dim8—Eight columns of text boxes containing the size of each dimension (up to 8) for each variable.
OK—Apply the changes that are effected by selecting another cell (see NOTE above), and dismiss the dialog box.
Copy—Copy the variable information in a selected row into a new row below the original, selected variable. The variable row is selected by placing the pointer on a cell in the row and pressing <Control>- MB2.
Delete—Delete the variable information in a selected row. The variable row is selected by placing the pointer on a cell in the row and pressing <Control>-MB2.
There is no undo. If Delete is used and the dialog box is then dismissed using OK, the variable is deleted from the WzImport Tool, but not from the $MAIN$ program level.
Up—Re-order the variables by moving a selected variable row in the dialog box up one row at a time. The variable row is selected by placing the pointer on a cell in the row and pressing <Control>-MB2. This is used to move variables to the top of the list so that a data file can be read into a variable of an appropriate data type.
Down—Re-order the variables by moving a selected variable row in the dialog box down one row at a time. The variable row is selected by placing the pointer on a cell in the row and pressing <Control>-MB2.
Quit—Dismiss the dialog box.
The Variable Manipulation dialog box is a blocking dialog box. The dialog box must be closed by using OK or Quit in order to resume your work in the VDA Tools.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.