Bar Attributes Dialog Box (WzBar)
This dialog box is used to set attributes for the Bar Attributes include fill colors, legend position, text size and others.
Horizontal Bars—When selected, bars are drawn horizontally (the x-axis and y-axis are switched). By default, bars are displayed vertically.
Stacked Bars—When selected, a 2D array (n, m) is represented as m stacks of n bars per stack. By default, a 2D array (n, m) is represented as m groups of n bars per group.
Outline Color—Specifies the color of the outline around bars and legend items.
Legend Attributes
Show Legend—When selected, a bar legend is displayed. The legend consists of small boxes with the same color and fill pattern as their corresponding bars.
Show Legend Text—When selected, each legend box includes descriptive text. By default, this text is the number of the associated bar {0 .. n–1}. If a Labels Var is specified, the elements of the specified variable are used as labels.
Left Side/Right Size—Switches the side on which the legend is drawn. The legend position can also be manipulated using the Legend Position fields.
Legend Text Color—Specifies the color of the legend text.
Legend Character Size—Specifies the size of the legend text. A value of 1 is the default size. A value of 2 produces text twice as big.
Legend Position—These four fields let you specify the position of the legend, in normal coordinates. The lower left corner of the legend is represented by (x1, y1) and the upper right corner is represented by (x2, y2).
Labels Var—Enter the name of a 1D string or numerical array containing values or strings used to label the legend boxes.
note | The specified variable must exist on the $MAIN$ level; it must have the same number of elements as the number of bars; and it must be a 1D variable. |
Fill and Pattern Attributes
Fill colors and patterns are applied to the bars that are selected in the Bar # list on the right side of the dialog box.
Fill Color—Specifies the background color used to fill individual bars.
Solid Fill—If this button is selected, all bars are filled with solid color. The color used is the color specified by Fill Color. In other words, when Solid Fill is selected, the Pattern parameters are disabled.
Pattern Color—Specifies the color used for pattern lines. These lines are drawn on top of the specified Fill Color. If Solid Fill is selected, this function is disabled.
Pattern Lines—Specifies the linestyle for pattern lines. If Solid Fill is selected, this function is disabled.
Pattern Orientation—Specifies the orientation of the pattern lines in degrees of rotation clockwise. By default, lines are drawn horizontally (0 degrees). If Solid Fill is selected, this function is disabled.
Pattern Spacing—Specifies the space, in centimeters, between the pattern lines. If Solid Fill is selected, this function is disabled.
Pattern Thickness—Specifies the thickness, in pixels, of the pattern lines. If Solid Fill is selected, this function is disabled.
Axis Attributes
Axis Color—Specifies the color of the axes.
Character Size—Specifies the size of the axis text.
Character Thickness—Specifies the thickness of the axis text.
X-Axis Title—Specifies the x-axis title.
Y-Axis Title—Specifies the y-axis title.
X-Tickname Var—This field lets you enter the name of an array containing numerical values or strings that you wish to use as x-axis tick labels. In the simplest case, the elements of this array correspond to the individual bars. If the bars are stacked or grouped, the elements of this variable correspond to the stacks or groups. If this field is blank, the default tick labeling is used.
note | The specified variable must exist on the $MAIN$ level; it must have the same number of elements as the number of bars; and it must be a 1D variable. |
Y-Tickname Var—This field lets you enter the name of an array containing numerical values or strings that you wish to use as labels for the y-axis tickmarks (or x-axis if the Horizontal button is selected). The elements of this variable specify both the number of major tick marks (with no minor tick mark) and their labeling. If this field is blank, the default tick labeling is used.
note | The specified variable must exist on the $MAIN$ level; it must have the same number of elements as the number of bars; and it must be a 1D variable. |
Bar # List
This lets you chose the bar that you wish to apply fill and pattern changes to. For instance, if you display a chart containing five bars, this list will include five elements, numbered from {0..n–1}. Simply click on a bar number to select it. Any changes that you make to the Fill and Pattern Attributes will apply to the selected bar, or bars. To select multiple bars, press and drag the left mouse button across the bars you wish to select, or, shift click to select multiple bars.
OK—Apply the selected attributes and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Apply the selected attributes, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.
Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.