VDA Tools > WzAnimate > Controlling the Direction of the Animation

Controlling the Direction of the Animation
Use the Reverse and Forward arrow buttons located at the top of the WzAnimate Tool controls area to start the animation in one direction or the other. The Reverse button causes the animation to move backward through the frames in the variable. The Forward button starts the animation moving forward through the frames in the variable.
The sequencing of the frames is either continuous or one frame at a time, depending on the other controls area settings.
To start the animation in forward order through the variable’s frames:
*Click MB1 on the right arrow button. Forward displays above the control buttons and the animation sequences forward through the frames, beginning from the current frame.
To start the animation in reverse order through the variable’s frames:
*Click MB1 the left arrow button. Reverse displays above the control buttons and the animation proceeds in reverse, beginning from the current frame.

Version 2017.0
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