WoAddMessage Procedure
Adds a message to a message area created by WoMessage.
WoAddMessage, toolname, message_key
Input Parameters
toolname — (string) Specifies the unique name of the VDA Tool to which the message area is attached.
message_key — A string used to identify a message in a string resource file.
Clear — If nonzero, clears the message area before displaying the message. (Default: Append the message after the currently displayed messages.)
Message — Specifies a string containing a message to display in the message area.
The WoBuildResourceFilename function is used to return the directory in which string resources are stored.
note | We recommend that you use the Message keyword only if absolutely necessary. In general, “hard coding” messages with this keyword impedes your ability to customize or internationalize your application. |
For an example that uses WoAddMessage, see
WoMessage Function.
See Also
Version 2017.0
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