TmLine Procedure
Adds a line to a VDA Tool. The exact length and position of the line is determined interactively by the user.
TmLine, tool_name
tool_name—A string containing the unique name of a VDA Tool.
TmLine is a graphical element (GRAEL) routine. GRAELs are predefined graphics routines used by VDA Tools. These routines allow you to add, configure, and remove graphical elements in the VDA Tool display area. The standard set of GRAELs includes axes, text, bitmaps, legends, lines, and rectangles. This standard set is accessible from the standard VDA Tool menu bar and button bar, which are provided by the VDA Utility routines
WoMenuBar Function and
WoButtonBar Function.
To create a line, the user presses and drags MB1 to define the endpoints.
The following example code is a callback routine for a menu bar. This callback executes TmLine in response to a menu selection.
PRO CreateLineCB, wid, index
tool_name = GetMenuBarToolName(wid)
toggle_buttons = ['dataselect', 'graelselect', 'text', $
'line', 'rectangle', 'legend']
buttons_up = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
WoButtonBarSet, tool_name, toggle_buttons, buttons_up
WoButtonBarSet, tool_name, 'line', 1
WoAddMessage, tool_name, 'MSG_LineCreate', /Clear
WoAddStatus, tool_name, 'MSG_LineCreateStatus', $
TmLine, tool_name
See Also
Version 2017.0
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