Reference Guide > System Variables > !WIDGET_ICON

The !WIDGET_ICON system variable specifies the icon file used to set the widget’s window icon. It is specified as follows:
!WIDGET_ICON = <string>
where <string> can be a full path name or just a file name.
When only a file name is given, the following two locations are searched in this order:
1. The current work directory.
2. The default resource file directory, <RW_DIR>/wave/xres/american/kernel, where <RW_DIR> is the PV-WAVE installation directory.
If the file is not found in one of those locations, the warning message "Unable to find specified icon file: filename" appears and the default system application icon file is used.
By default, the path and the name of icon file are defined in the resource file, which is located in the <wavedir>/xres/american/kernel directory. The default settings are:
*For Windows:
ICON_NAME_WIN: wave.ico
*For Unix:
The resource file is read at PV-WAVE startup.
*If ICON_NAME_* is not listed in the file or is empty, then !WIDGET_ICON is empty ('').
*If ICON_DIR_* is not listed in, or is empty, then the default directory, <RW_DIR>/wave/xres/american/kernel is used.
No warning message is issued if the default icon file is not found at PV-WAVE startup.

Version 2017.0
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