Reference Guide > S Routines > SIZE Function

SIZE Function
Returns a vector containing size and type information for the given expression.
result = SIZE(expr)
Input Parameters
expr—The expression to be evaluated.
Returned Value
result—A vector containing size and type information for expr.
Dimensions—Returns a longword vector containing the size of each dimension of expr.
Nelements—Returns the total number of elements in expr.
Ndimensions—Returns the number of dimensions in expr. A zero is returned if expr is scalar.
Type—Returns the type code of expr.
The returned vector is of longword type. It has the following form:
[D, S1, S2, ..., Sp, T, E]
where D is the number of dimensions of EXPRESSION (zero if EXPRESSION is scalar or undefined); Si is the size of dimension i (not present if EXPRESSION is scalar or undefined); T is the type code, encoded as shown below (the PV‑WAVE designation is shown in parentheses); and E is the number of elements in EXPRESSION.
*1—Byte (BYTE)
*2—Integer (INT)
*3—Longword integer (LONG)
*4—Floating point (FLOAT)
*5—Double precision floating (DOUBLE)
*6—Complex single-precision floating (COMPLEX)
*7—String (STRING)
*9—UPVAR (the variable type pointed to by UPVAR)
*10—List (LIST)
*11—Associative array (ASARR)
*12—Complex double-precision floating (DCOMPLEX)
*13—32-bit integer (INT32)
See Also

Version 2017.0
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