Reference Guide > D Routines > DOCS Procedure

DOCS Procedure
Displays the header contents of PV-WAVE .pro files within a WgTextTool.
DOCS, procedure
Input Parameters
procedure — A scalar string of the name of a PV-WAVE procedure file. You do not need to include the .pro file extension.
Returned Value
Console — If set and nonzero, the header contents are displayed in the PV‑WAVE console window. The Console keyword is superceded by the presence of the File keyword.
Directory — A scalar string or array of strings naming the path(s) to search for the input procedure name. If not set, the current directory and !Path are searched.
File — A scalar string naming a path and file name to write the header docs to, rather than displaying the docs in the WgTextTool or the PV-WAVE console window.
Font — A scalar string specifying the font to use.
Position — A two-element array defining the position of the WgTextTool's upper-left corner, where [0,0] is the upper-left corner of the display.
The first line of the header documentation must begin with the characters
; + and the last line of the header documentation must begin with the characters ; –. DOCS extracts all the information between the + and – characters. (Each line of the header must begin with the semicolon character to denote a comment line.)
DOCS, 'docs', Position=[100,0]
DOCS, 'l*', Dir=!Dir+'/lib/user', File='ldocs.txt', /Console
See Also
System Variables:   !Path

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.