Reference Guide > C Routines > COLOR_BAR Procedure

COLOR_BAR Procedure
Creates a horizontal or vertical color bar with associated legends.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
Pos—Vector describing lower left and upper right coordinates of the color bar as x1,y1,x2,y2. Default is NORMAL coordinates.
N_colors—Number of colors in bar. Default is !d.n_colors < 256
C_list—Indices of colors to use. Default is 0, 1, 2, ...
Legend—Array containing STRING/INT/INT32/LONG/FLOAT/DOUBLE values to be used to annotate colors on bar. Default is no annotation.
First—STRING/INT/INT32/LONG/FLOAT/DOUBLE value for first color.
Last—STRING/INT/INT32/LONG/FLOAT/DOUBLE value for last color.
First and Last can be used instead of or in conjunction with Legend.
Format—Format to be used for INT/INT32/LONG/FLOAT/DOUBLE values in Legend, First, and Last. Default is '(F10.1)'.
Font—Font for legend text.
Color—Color for legend text.
Charsize—Size for legend text.
Device—Use /Device for device Pos coordinates. Default is NORMAL coordinates.

Version 2017.0
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