JWAVE User Guide > JWAVE Bean Tools Reference > JWAVE Surface Tool

JWAVE Surface Tool
The JWAVE Surface Tool is a Bean that displays the surface of a 2D array. The surface can be displayed with hidden lines removed or shaded. This Tool uses the PV‑WAVE SURFACE procedure to render the plot.
See Using JWAVE Beans for information on using this Bean in the BeanBox.
This Tool takes up to four data arrays (z, x, y, and shade values).
zA 2D array containing the values that make up the surface. If x and y are supplied, the surface is plotted as a function of the X,Y locations specified by their contents. Otherwise, the surface is generated as a function of the array index of each element of z.
x—(optional) A 1D or 2D array specifying the x-coordinates for the surface.
*If x is a 1D array, each element of x specifies the x-coordinate for a column of z. For example, x(0) specifies the x-coordinate for z(0, *).
*If x is a 2D array, each element of x specifies the x-coordinate of the corresponding point in z.
y(optional) A 1D or 2D array specifying the y-coordinates for the surface.
*If y is a 1D array, each element of y specifies the y-coordinate for a row of z. For example, y(0) specifies the y-coordinate for z(*, 0).
*If y is a 2D array, each element of y specifies the y-coordinate of the corresponding point in z.
Customizer Reference
The JWAVE Beans provided by Rogue Wave each have a Customizer for modifying the appearance of the plot produced by the Bean. This section describes the features of the Surface Tool Customizer.
Titles Tab
Title—Defines the text for the main title that appears centered above the plot. The text size of this main title is larger than the other text by a factor of 1.25.
Sub Title—Defines the text for the subtitle that appears underneath the x-axis.
X Title—Defines the text for the title that appears below the x-axis.
Y Title—Defines the text for the title that appears below the y-axis.
Z Title—Defines the text for the title that appears below the z-axis.
Character Size—Sets the overall character size for the annotation. A value of 1.0 is normal. The main title is written with a character size of 1.25 times this parameter.
Colors Tab
Background Color—Brings up a color tool for selecting the background color of the plot.
Foreground Color—Brings up a color tool for selecting the foreground color of the plot.
Bottom Color—Brings up a color tool for selecting the color of the bottom of the plot.
Color Table—Sets the color table used for the plot.
Plot Tab
Grid—When selected, a grid is displayed behind the plot.
Shade—When selected, the plot will be shaded.
Overplot with Surface—When selected, plot lines appear on top of the surface if Shade is also selected.
Z Axis Location—Sets the position of the z-axis origin to lower-right, lower-left, upper-right, or upper-left.
Z Rotation—Specifies the rotation about the z-axis. (Default: 30°)
X Rotation—Specifies the rotation about the x-axis. (Default: 30°)
Skirt—When selected, a skirt is added to the surface. A skirt helps establish a frame of reference between the surface and the x-, y-, and z-axes. Skirt can be used when Shade is not set.
Skirt Value—Defines the value along the z-axis at which the bottom of the skirt begins. (Default = minimum z value for the variable)
X Range—Sets the data range of the x-axis, a two-element vector. The first element is the axis minimum and the second is the maximum.
Y Range—Sets the data range of the y-axis, a two-element vector. The first element is the axis minimum and the second is the maximum.
Z Range—Sets the data range of the z-axis, a two-element vector. The first element is the axis minimum and the second is the maximum.
Data Tab
Interpolation—When selected, applies interpolation, which shrinks or expands the number of elements in the surface plot by interpolating values at intervals where there might not have been values before.
Number of X Points—Sets the number of columns desired in the output image.
Number of Y Points—Sets the number of rows desired in the output image.

Version 3.6
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