JWAVE User Guide > JWAVE Wrapper API > DMStoreData Procedure

DMStoreData Procedure
Stores a dataset in the current PV‑WAVE session.
DMStoreData, data_name, value
Input Parameters
data_name—A scalar string containing a data name (in the default domain, $GLOBAL) or a 2-element string array containing a domain name and data name.
value—The data that you wish to store.
Storage for the domain and data are automatically created if they do not already exist. If data_name already exists, it is overwritten. The data_name is used to uniquely identify a dataset stored on the JWAVE server. Normally, the data_name is set in the JWAVE client application.
A valid data_name input parameter name must begin with a letter; but is not case-sensitive, and may contain letters, underscores, and numbers.
The data specified with value can be of any PV‑WAVE data type. Note that client applications can only store on the server scalars and arrays (up to eight dimensions) of the following data types:
*32-bit Integer—INT32
*64-bit Integer—LONG
See the example for DMRestore.
See Also
DMCopyData, DMDataExists, DMEnumerateData, DMGetData, DMInit, DMRenameData, DMRemoveData, DMRestore

Version 3.6
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.