Starting and Stopping the Agent
Once you have set up a command window with the HydraExpress environment, as explained in Chapter 2, you can start and stop the Agent using the script rwsfserver. In the installation, this script is located in the <installdir>\bin directory. The example below shows the syntax to start and stop the Agent on both Windows and UNIX:
rwsfserver start
rwsfserver stop
In addition, rwsfserver takes the following options:
Table 10 – Agent Options
or no arguments
Displays the help
Starts the Agent in debug mode1
Waits until the Agent has stopped before returning
-c <alt-conf-file>
Sets an alternative Agent startup configuration file. For example:
rwsfserver -c conf\agent1\rwagent1.xml start

1 If you start the Agent in debug mode on Windows, it loads only services and named objects compiled in debug mode, as identified by the tag 15d in the file name.