Where to Find Additional Information
*For additional information regarding HydraExpress’s evolution from LEIF, and a complete description of software requirements, see Chapter 1, Introduction in the HydraExpress User Guide.
*For detailed information about installing and configuring HydraExpress, see Chapter 2, “Setup,” in the HydraExpress User Guide.
*HydraExpress uses open source or freely licensed code as detailed in Appendix C, “3rd-Party Licenses,” of the HydraExpress User Guide. The text of the license agreements can also be found in there. The same information can also be found in the <installdir>\3rdparty directory.
*For information about Documentation and Conventions, see Appendix A, “Documentation and Conventions,” in the HydraExpress User Guide.
*For technical support, see Appendix B, “Technical Support and Consulting Services,” in the HydraExpress User Guide.