Accessing the Address
When you run the sample main, complexContent_main, the output shows a zip code and a complete XML document. This document is created by unmarshaling the input file complexContent.xml, changing a piece of data, and then marshaling the result to the output.
The beginning of the sample application is just like the previous examples:
int main()
ipo::PurchaseOrder po;
try {
std::ifstream istrm("po.xml");
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << istrm.rdbuf();
std::string xmlContents(buffer.str());
} catch (const rwsf::XmlParseException &e) {
} catch (const rwsf::Exception &x) {
Next the sample application manipulates the
billTo element, which as we know can be either a
USAddress or a
UKAddress. In the code below, the retrieval of the
billTo address returns an
rwsf::XmlBindingHandle, but we do not know its actual type. To find out, we call
getTypeId() on the
billTo object, which returns the value of the
xsi:type attribute of the
billTo element in the instance document. Based on this value, we can determine the actual type of
billTo and produce the output appropriately.
rwsf::XmlBindingHandle billTo = po.getBillTo(); //1
// check address type. If UK address print post code;
// otherwise print zip code.
if (billTo.getTypeId() == "ipo::UKAddress") { //2
std::cout << "Post code = "
<< ((ipo::UKAddress&)billTo).getPostcode() << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Zip code = "
<< ((ipo::USAddress&)billTo).getZip() << std::endl;
Next the example code changes the shipTo address to be the same as the billTo address, and writes out the modified document.
po.setShipTo(po.getBillTo()); //1
rwsf::XmlStringWriter writer; //2
po.marshal(writer); //3
std::cout << writer.getString() << std::endl; //4