Deploying with the Makefile
To deploy the service, follow the steps in this section.
1. If the Agent is currently running, stop it by running the rwsfserver stop command as shown below:
rwsfserver stop
rwsfserver stop
2. Run nmake (Windows) or make (UNIX or Linux) at the command prompt with the target deploy. The makefile deploys the service into the HydraExpress installation. The DLL or shared library for the service is placed in <installdir>\apps-bin on Windows and <installdir>/apps-lib on UNIX/Linux.
For example, the following command line builds the sample service library, deploys it as stated above, and copies the WSDL and configuration files for the service into the apps\servlets directory beneath the HydraExpress installation:
nmake deploy
make deploy
3. Restart the Agent to load the new service. To restart the Agent, run the rwsfserver start as shown below:
rwsfserver start
rwsfserver start