Compile, Deploy, and Run the Service
1. Compile the client and server code by changing to the Extended directory and then entering nmake on Windows or make on UNIX/Linux.
2. If the Agent is already running, stop it:
prompt>rwsfserver stop
3. Deploy the service and client by entering nmake deploy on Windows or make deploy on UNIX/Linux.
4. Start the Agent:
prompt>rwsfserver start
5. Invoke the service by changing to the Extended\bin directory and entering:
prompt> GreetingPortClient.exe
Because we edited the WSDL to specify a secure HTTPS port, there is no need to pass in an argument that specifies the secure port. The output displays the hello world response as appropriate for the Mexican Spanish locale:
Server Response: Hola al mundo!
NOTE: HydraExpress’s generated client sample implementations all point to the <project>\conf directory to locate the client configuration files. If you move the client executable without maintaining the same code generation directory structure, or you invoke the client from another location, be aware that you must edit the client implementation to maintain the correct path to the conf directory.
If you wish to test to see if the service is hosted on a secure port, copy and paste https://localhost:8443/helloworld/HelloWorld into your browser. You should see the text Basic Hello World Service.