Selectable Transports and Listeners
The transports and listeners defined in the transport configuration files are all identified by a name. At runtime, either the client or the server (when sending notifications or solicit messages) can select by name the transport to be used to send a message.
Let’s consider the following scenario:
The clients for a service send one-way messages via HTTP requesting quotes for the items in a purchase order.
The service parses the purchase order and develops a quote based on the items in the purchase order. The service then sends a notification message with the quote back to the requestor using HTTP or email, depending on the client’s preference.
Let’s suppose that the name of this service is GetQuotes and that it is provided by a company called A2Z Incorporated. The code below shows the code in the client implementation that sends off a purchase order for quotation.
void invoke_sendForQuote(GetQuotesProxy& proxy, std::string location)
PurchaseOrder po = getPurchaseOrder("A2Z Incorporated"); //1
rwsf::CallInfo callInfo;
proxy.sendForQuote(callInfo, po, location); //2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if( argc < 3 ) {
printf("Usage: %s [request url] [email address | url]\n", argv[0]); //3
return 0;
std::string serivceURL(argv[1]);
std::string location(argv[2]);
rwsf::Transport transport;
rwsf::Transport transport = //4
GetQuotesProxy proxy = GetQuotesProxy::make(transport); //5
invoke_sendForQuote(proxy, location); //6
On the server side, the implementation evaluates how to send the notification, based on the location:
void GetQuotesImp::sendForQuote(rwsf::CallInfo& callinfo,
const PurchaseOrder& po,
std::string location)
Quote quote = provideQuote(po); //1
rwsf::Transport transport;
If( isEmailAddress(location) ) { //2
transport = rwsf::TransportManager::findTransport(“SMTP”);
transport.setProperty(“email-address”, email); //3
transport = rwsf::TransportManager::findTransportByUrl(location); //4
GetQuotesNotificationProxy proxy =
GetQuotesNotificationProxy::make(transport); //5
proxy.reply(callInfo, quote); //6
This example has shown how to select between two possible transports at runtime, from both the client and server. Next let’s consider how to change the type of a named transport by altering the configuration file and thereby avoiding any changes to the code that would require recompiling.