Naming Conventions
In general, the class names are based on names extracted from the WSDL file. In using these names, HydraExpress removes any namespace prefix, ensures that the first letter of the name is uppercase, and translates characters that are not legal C++ identifiers to underscores.
Below is an abbreviated WSDL file illustrating the names that are used in creating class names. The example class names in the sections below use this WSDL.
<definitons ...>
<portType name="GetSkiReport"> <!-- 1 -->
<binding name="GetSkiReportSOAPBinding" <!-- 2 -->
<soap:binding style="rpc"
transport=""/> <!-- 3 -->
<portType name="GetInternationalSkiReport"> <!-- 4 -->
<binding name="GetInternationalSkiReportSOAPBinding" <!-- 5 -->
<soap:binding style="rpc"
transport=""/> <!-- 6 -->
<service name="GetUSASkiReportService"> <!-- 7 -->
<port binding="tns:GetSkiReportSOAPBinding"
name="GetUSASkiReport"> <!-- 8 -->
<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/etc"/>
<service name="GetCanadianSkiReportService"> <!-- 9 -->
<port binding="tns:GetSkiReportSOAPBinding"
name="GetCanadianSkiReport"> <!-- 10 -->
<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/etc"/>
<service name="GetInternationalSkiReportService"> <!-- 11 -->
<port binding="tns:GetInternationalSkiReportSOAPBinding"
name="GetInternationalSkiReport"> <!-- 12 -->
<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/etc"/>