Using the Client Proxy
The proxy provides a set of five methods for each operation specified in the WSDL description. One pair of methods implements synchronous behavior; the remaining three methods implement asynchronous behavior. To send a message to the Web service, construct an instance of the proxy and invoke either the synchronous or asynchronous method(s) that correspond to the operation. The method returns the values defined in the WSDL file for the response message. (Appendix A describes type mappings for these values.)
The generated sample client implementation uses one of the synchronous methods for all operations, but you can easily change the implementation to create an asynchronous client. The asynchronous <operation-name>Start() method launches a thread for the operation so that the client can continue other processes while waiting for the server to respond. For more information on the client’s asynchronous features, see The Asynchronous Client API.
The generated header file for the client proxy contains the signatures for the generated service operation methods. The names of the methods that implement the operations in the WSDL file match the WSDL’s operation names, with the first letter of the name converted to lower case. Parameter names match the part names in the WSDL file, with an underscore and the direction of the part appended to the name. For example, a part named tickerSymbol which is only used for input will have the name tickerSymbol_in, while an inout part named targetStruct will have the name targetStruct_inout. For details on naming conventions, see Appendix A.