Chapter 8 Mapping XML Schema to C++
Purpose and Overview
This chapter describes the process of creating a C++ XML binding from an XML Schema. It describes in detail the structure of an XML Schema and the mapping of its definitions to C++. A mapping is a set of rules that defines the conceptual representations that the C++ classes use to model the grammar defined and constrained by the schema.
XML names may include characters that are not valid C++ identifiers. Also, the mapping must consider namespaces defined in the schema. HydraExpress handles these issues as described in
“Names and Identifiers” .
HydraExpress provides two mappings for types defined by XML Schema. The default mapping uses data classes from the Standard C++ Library. A second mapping, provided for customers of Rogue Wave SourcePro C++, uses SourcePro data classes.
“Simple Types” describes these mappings.
“Complex Types” describes the way HydraExpress generates classes for complex types.