How HydraExpress Uses Named Objects
The generated
<servicecontextname>_objects.xml file defines the objects needed to run a service. For a simple service such as the DayOfWeek example, the required objects are the server implementation and the server skeleton, or binding. When instantiated, these objects are instances of
NOTE >> An object configuration file client-objects.xml is also generated on the client side for the message pattern notification. See
“Message Patterns in WSDL” for more information.
<servicecontextname>_objects.xml file is loaded by the Agent at startup. The server first creates the objects and then stores them together in a context object specific to the service, an instance of
rwsf::NamingContext. This context object acts like a global registry that gives access to the objects.
Each <servicecontextname>_objects.xml file contains a series of <naming-obj> elements, each of which defines a named object. Each element contains two sub-elements: <naming-name>, which defines an object’s associated name, and <naming-class>, which defines the create method for instantiating the object.
This is the dayofweek_objects.xml file generated for the DayOfWeek example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
First register the user’s actual service implementation.
If the name of the implementation class changes, make sure
to also make the change here.
<naming-obj> 1
<naming-obj> 2