Web Service Development Guide : PART I Getting Started : Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Thank you for using Rogue Wave® HydraExpress to develop your Web services.
This Web Service Development Guide describes how to develop Web services using HydraExpress. HydraExpress processes Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) files to produce code and configuration files that enable you to produce Web service servers and clients to implement and access the services described in these files. HydraExpress also includes a rich set of fundamental and networking components for developing your Web services. These generated components hide the complexity of networking and greatly simplify the tedious coding involved in working with XML and SOAP.
HydraExpress includes:
Tools to develop and deploy C++ Web services and clients, discussed in this book.
Tools to generate C++ classes for XML Schema language definitions, discussed in the HydraExpress XML Binding Development Guide.
Tools to develop C++ servlets, discussed in the HydraExpress Servlet Development Guide.
For an overview of the product, see the HydraExpress User Guide.