Web Service Development Guide : PART I Getting Started : Chapter 5 Code Generator Basics : Generated Files
Generated Files
HydraExpress generates code into a series of subdirectories, separating Web services-related code into client and server subdirectories, and XML binding code into data subdirectories. All generated code is C++. For example, for the command line
prompt> rwsfgen -projectname MyProject MyService.wsdl MySchema.xsd
HydraExpress generates a project titled MyProject that includes Web services code and XML bindings, and places all files into a directory named MyProject, based on the following directory structure:
MyProject 1
makefile, makefile_debug, makefile.include
deployDebug.bat, deployRelease.bat
app/ 2
codegen/ 3
conf/ 4
docs/ 5
include/ 6
//1 The top-level code generation directory containing the generated HydraExpress project file, the top-level makefiles, MSVC deployment batch files, and several subdirectories.
//2 The app directory containing the generated sample applications that you may use as a basis to implement your applications. Note that app and codegen may contain client, data, and server subdirectories, depending on whether the generator was provided a WSDL, an XML Schema, or both.
//3 The directory codegen containing the source files for the generated code. These source files are not intended to be modified. Note that the data subdirectory may contain one or more <namespace> directories, depending on whether your XML Schema uses a namespace.
//4 The directory conf containing configuration files to customize transports, handlers, and objects. Generated only for a WSDL.
//5 The directory docs containing documentation for the generated classes. Use <MyProject>\docs\index.html for easy access to all classes.
//6 The directory include containing a <projectname> subdirectory holding all header files. If an XML Schema with a namespace was used as an argument, the <projectname> directory also contains a namespace subdirectory with the relevant code.