Web Service Development Guide : PART I Getting Started : Chapter 4 Extending Your Web Service : Add a Secure Transport
Add a Secure Transport
HydraExpress supports security on the client in two ways, through authorization and through support for HTTPS. This discussion focuses on HTTPS. (For information on how to implement authorization, please see “Client Security” .)
To implement your client in HTTPS, simply point it to the HTTPS transport that HydraExpress provides. One way to do this is by specifying an HTTPS transport in the location attribute of the WSDL.
Open the WSDL file HelloWorld.wsdl. Save it under a new name, such as HelloWorldExtended.wsdl. Under the service element, replace the line
with an HTTPS address, as follows:
Note the port change from 8090 to 8443. HydraExpress’s default HTTP port is 8090, while its HTTPS port is 8443.
When you generate code based on this new WSDL, the generated sample client then uses HTTPS by default and no other action is required. Several other simple options are also available for using HTTPS with your client. See Chapter 7, “Developing Clients.”
To generate code:
1. Open a command prompt and navigate to your <installdir>\examples\HelloWorld\ directory.
2. Then generate code using the new HelloWorldExtended.wsdl file.
prompt>rwsfgen -projectname HelloWorldExtended HelloWorldExtended.wsdl
HydraExpress creates a project titled HelloWorldExtended and places the generated code into the directory Extended.
NOTE >> HydraExpress supports only file paths without spaces, so when creating your directory names and structure, do not include spaces.