Working with Perforce Validate

Validate by Perforce is a web interface for project management, reporting, issue management and user management. Full details of its capabilities can be found in the online manual here (external link).

Not all Validate capabilities are fully supported in Helix QAC.

For Helix QAC users, there are two primary use cases:

Diagnostic Viewer

Diagnostics are uploaded to the Validate server and can be viewed and queried by anyone with the appropriate permissions. Suppressions can be addressed on the Validate server.

Connected Projects

The term connected project refers to a Helix QAC project that is connected to a Validate project. The Helix QAC configuration, including the Rule Configuration File (RCF), Analysis Configuration File (ACF), Compiler Capability Template (CCT) are stored on the Validate server and any user with the appropriate permissions can re-create the project on their desktop. Synchronization of the RCF, which can be edited locally (or on Validate), is automatically synchronized before local analysis begins.

For existing Helix QAC Dashboard users, a connected project is like a unified project.