Uploading to Validate Using QA·CLI

Uploading results using the command line is done with the qacli upload command, which you can read about in qacli upload. For example:

qacli upload --validate --validate-project foo --url prometheus:8888 --qaf-project .

This will upload the results from the Helix QAC project, in the current directory to the foo project on the Validate server. It will have a default build name, to specify the name to use add the ‑‑snaphot‑name option, for example:

qacli upload --validate --validate-project foo --url prometheus:8888 --qaf-project . --snapshot-name MyBuild-1
The project you are uploading to on the Validate server must have been previously created.
To upload you must already be authenticated with Validate and have the appropriate permissions.