qacli project multi-config

Manage the configuration for projects with multiple configurations.


project multi-config {-C <dst-config>|-R|-M <dst-config>|-L|-D} -P <directory> [-K <config name>] [--] [-h]

Extended Description

All projects are created with a single configuration. This command allows you to create, rename and delete additional configurations (where you can modify ACFs, RCFs etc). Most commands already use ‑‑qaf‑project (or ‑P) to specify which Helix QAC project to use.

For projects with multiple configurations, you can also specify which configuration to use using the ‑‑config (or ‑K) option. If this is not specified, then the default configuration will be used (see ‑‑set‑default, ‑D).


Name, shorthand Default Description
‑‑config, ‑K   For projects with multiple configurations, specify which configuration to use. If none specified, then the default will be used.
‑‑copy, ‑C   Make a copy of the configuration (specified by ‑K/‑‑config)
‑‑help, ‑h   Displays usage information and exits.
‑‑ignore‑rest, ‑‑   Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
‑‑list, ‑L   Lists the currently available configs for a project. The current default config will be highlighted.
‑‑qaf‑project, ‑P . Specify a path to a valid Helix QAC project.
‑‑set‑default, ‑D   Marks the given config as the default for the project. If no ‑K/‑‑config is specified when using the CLI then this default config will be used. This command is only useful for projects with multiple configurations.
‑‑remove, ‑R   Removes an existing configuration (specified by ‑K/‑‑config). Files such as the ACF, RCF, CCTs and directories such as the output and report directory will be removed.
‑‑rename, ‑M   Renames an existing configuration (specified by ‑K/‑‑config).
All projects must have at least one configuration. By default it is called “Initial”.


Copying a Config

This will create a new config called FOO based on the existing config Initial for the Helix QAC project in the current directory:

qacli project multi-config --copy FOO --config Initial --qaf-project .

The default configuration will not change.

Displaying All Configs

This will display all configs associated with the project:

qacli project multi-config --list --qaf-project .

The default config will be highlighted.

Setting the Default Config

This will set the default config for the project:

qacli project multi-config --set-default --config FOO --qaf-project .

Renaming a Config

This will rename an existing config from FOO to BAR:

qacli project multi-config --rename BAR --config FOO --qaf-project .
Renaming will cause any existing analysis results to be lost.

Removing a Config

This will remove the existing config BAR from the project, including any analysis results.

qacli project multi-config --remove --config BAR --qaf-project .
If the config was set as the default config, then once removed another configuration will be automatically chosen as the default.