qacli project config-file

Manage configuration files for a Helix QAC project.


project config-file {-E <acf|rcf|vcf|cct-c|cct-cpp|user-messages>|-L} -P <directory> [-K <config name>] [-N <cct name>] [--] [-h]

Extended Description

Helix QAC contains many configuration files. These are normally altered by the GUI or CLI, but they can be inspected and altered manually. This command allows you to show which configuration files are being used in a Helix QAC project and the ability to edit and change them, using the default editor on your system.

No post modification validation is done on any changes. Incorrect changes may make the project unusable.
Configuration files are config specific. If you decide to modify them then ensure you replicate the changes in all the configs that the project has.
When editing a CCT, the default CCT for that language will be automatically chosen. To select a non-default CCT use the ‑‑name option, specifying the CCT to edit.


Name, shorthand Default Description
‑‑config, ‑K   For projects with multiple configurations, specify which configuration to use. If none is specified, then the default configuration will be used.
‑‑edit, ‑E <type>  

Directly edit one of the configuration files from a Helix QAC project.

<type> can be one of the following: acf|rcf|vcf|cct-c|cct-cpp|user-messages

Saving configuration file from a project in an invalid format will render the Helix QAC project invalid.
‑‑help, ‑h   Displays usage information and exits.
‑‑ignore‑rest, ‑‑   Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
‑‑list, ‑L   List the configuration file associated with a Helix QAC project.
‑‑name, ‑N   If more than one CCT per language is present in the project, then the name of the CCT to edit must be specified, for example 'Helix_Generic_C.cct'.
‑‑qaf‑project, ‑P . Specify a path to a valid Helix QAC project.


List Config Files Used in a Project

This will list the configuration files in the named project:

qacli project list --qaf-project /home/katie/sample_c

If the project has more than one configuration, then the default configuration is shown.

Modifying a Configuration File in a Multi-config Project

If you have a multi-config project with two configurations called basic_compliance and full_compliance, you could modify just the full_compliance config with a command such as:

qacli project config-file --qaf-project /home/katie/sample_c --config full_compliance --edit rcf

Remember to update the other configurations, if needed.

Modifying a Non-default CCT in a Multi CCT Project

If you have a multi CCT project with two CCTs for the C language, called primary and secondary, you could modify the default CCT (primary) with a command such as:

qacli project config-file --qaf-project /home/katie/sample_c --edit cct-c

In order to edit a non-default CCT, you must explicitly specify it:

qacli project config-file --qaf-project /home/katie/sample_c --edit cct-c --name secondary