qacli config license-server

Manage the list of license servers used by Helix QAC.


config license-server  {-A <port@host|host[:port]>|-R <port@host|host[:port]>|-L|-C} [-P <directory>] [-K <config name>] [-b] [--] [-h]

Extended Description

In order to analyze and view results for a project a suitable licence is required. These licences are managed by a separate license server. Several servers may be specified in an ordered list to allow for failure of an individual server.


Name, shorthand Default Description
‑‑add, ‑A  

Add a license server (to the top of the server list) to be used by Helix QAC.

‑‑bottom, ‑b   When adding a license server, add the server to the bottom of the ordered list of license servers.
‑‑check, ‑C   Check the availability of licenses. By default, all licenses for the components available within the installation will be checked, but this may be restricted to only the licences relevant to a project by specifying the project (‑‑qaf‑project) and optional config (‑‑config).
‑‑config, ‑K   For projects with multiple configurations, specify which configuration to use. If none specified, then the default will be used.
‑‑help, ‑h   Displays usage information and exits.
‑‑ignore‑rest, ‑‑   Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
‑‑list, ‑L  

Output an ordered list of license servers.

‑‑qaf‑project, ‑P  

Specify a path to a valid Helix QAC project.

‑‑remove, ‑R   Remove the license server from the list of servers used by Helix QAC.
When adding or removing a server the name (or IP) and the port is required. It can be specified in either of two formats: port@host or host:port


Adding a Server

To add a server to the top of the list of existing servers:

qacli config license-server --add

Or, using the alternative format:

qacli config license-server --add

Adding a Server to the Bottom of the List of Servers

To add a server to the bottom of the list of existing servers add the --bottom option.

qacli config license-server --add --bottom

Removing a Server

To remove a server from the list of servers:

qacli config license-server --remove

Or, using the alternative format:

qacli config license-server --remove

List All Servers

To produce a list of servers:

qacli config license-server --list

Check Licence Availability

Once a server has been added you can query the server to see if licences are available for the installed components:

qacli config license-server --check
If no license server(s) have been configured or the server(s) are unavailable, this command may take some time to complete.

Check License Availability for a Project

To check if all the required license for a project are available, add ‑‑qaf‑project and reference the project location:

qacli config license-server --check --qaf-project /home/trinity

If you are using a multi-config project and want to target a different config then add "‑‑config <config‑name>"