Rule Configuration

Helix QAC uses an RCF (Rule Configuration File) to define the mapping of warning messages detected by analysis, to rules. The Project Properties’ Rule Configuration panel presents the rules in a tree-like structure that is organized into levels and sub-groups. When the lowest sub-group/rule is selected, the actual enforcement messages are shown.

The panel opens with the RCF for the current project.

You can select a new RCF by clicking the Import button. The imported file must have the extension .rcf. When you select the required file, the Confirm update dialog is displayed.

The options are as follows:

  • Replace: The file is replaced by the one specified.
  • Update: The existing file is updated, replacing the mappings for the existing components.
  • Merge: The existing file is updated, merging rulesets from both files with the same component (in the case of a merge conflict where the new and old values differ, then the new values are used).

Update should be selected if you are already using a default RCF and you still require default mappings. Merge should be selected where you have customized the RCF and wish to retain the customizations (where possible).

Select the required option, or else Cancel to leave the dialog without making any changes.

If the results of the Replace, Update or Merge operation are not as required, then close the Rule Configuration panel without saving your changes.

The Default Rule Configuration Files