Selecting the Toolchain Components

Once the toolchain has been selected, it is possible to select within the Analysis Toolchain panel which components will make up the toolchain for the particular language.

By default, the primary analyzers such as Helix QAC for C and Helix QAC for C++ - the C and C++ parsers respectively - are already available in the panel. Secondary analysis components are available in the left hand Available Components panel. If a secondary component needs to be part of the current analysis, it can be added to it by using the ">" button; it can conversely be removed by using the "<" button.

Many components require the primary analysers and RCMA to be in the toolchain as they process the results from them. If you attempt to add a component to the toolchain that's dependent on a component not currently in the toolchain, you will be prompted and given the option to automatically add the required components.

Further to this, if you add a component to the toolchain and there are no corresponding rules, you'll be presented with the option to automatically import an appropriate RCF.