Multi CCTs with QA·GUI

During project creation you can choose to select multiple static CCTs, altering their CIP settings if needed and alter the default CCT. See Using the Project Creation Wizard for details on how to create a new project.

Alternatively, you can select Auto_generate_C and/or Auto_generate_C++ to automatically generate CCTs during synchronisation. If you choose this option, then no further configuration is needed.

For static CCTs, all files will use the Default CCT by default. You can choose to override this on a per file basis or inherit the CCT from the parent directories by selecting the file/directory in the Files pane and selecting the CCT on the CCT File row in the File Attributes or Folder Attributes pane.

The CCTs and their CIP settings and the Default CCT for each language in a project can be modified by selecting Open Project Properties and navigating to the Compiler Selection tab.