qacli view

This subcommand allows you to output the diagnostics from a previous analysis.


view [-P <directory>] [-K <config name>] [-C <solution-name>] [--cma-project <project-name>] [-R] [-t <ANNSRC|DIAGLST|SUMMARY|SARIF>] -m <HTML|STDERR|STDOUT|XML|JSON> [--output-name <filename prefix>] [-o <directory>] [-c] [-a] [-1] [-b] [-Z] [-e] [-F <filelist>] [-X <max-count-filter>] [-S <0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9>] [-v<0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9>] [-N <msg-filter>] [-O <msg-filter>] [-D <NONE|SINGLE|DUPLICATE>] [-M] [-T <ALL|BASELINE|COMMENT|DASHBOARD|INTERACTIVE|MACRO|PRAGMA|VALIDATE>] ...  [-s] [-n] [-r] [-f <format-string>] [-u <rule-format-string>] [-H <header-format-string>] [-x <xml-format-string>] [-d <xml-format-string>] [--xml-indent <indent>] [-i <indent>] [--] [-h] <source-file>

Extended Description

The view subcommand allows you to output the analysis results with a variety of different types (Diagnostic List, Annotated Source, SARIF, Summary), in a variety of mediums (Text, XML, JSON, HTML). Filtering allows the user to finely control what details, from which files make it into the output.

There are several different types of output available and can be chosen using the ‑‑type (‑t). It can have the following values:

The DIAGLST, ANNSRC, and SARIF options require an appropriate license.

The output can be in one of several different formats (or mediums):

  • HTML - For each source file, output results to an HTML file.
  • JSON - Output results in JSON format (only supported for SARIF output type).
  • STDERR - Output results as text, to standard error.
  • STDOUT - Output results as text, to standard output.
  • XML - For each source file, output results to an XML file.

For those who possess a completely unrestricted license, it is possible to view results on the command line or output them to a file.

The original source remains Read Only and, as such, it will never be modified or have its modification time changed under any circumstances, regardless of the commands invoked.
Switch shortcuts can be chained. For example: qacli view ‑P <directory> ‑m STDOUT ‑rs


Name, shorthand Default Description
‑‑collate‑output, ‑c   When outputting results, rather than mirror the source code tree collate all output into a single directory. Duplicate files will not be overwritten, and their name will have a unique number appended.
‑‑config, ‑K   For projects with multiple configurations, specify which configuration to use. If none specified, then the default will be used.
‑‑cma‑solution, ‑‑C   Specify the name of the cross-module analysis (CMA) solution to view. Using this option implies that viewing will be conducted on all Helix QAC projects involved in the solution. Use ‑‑qaf‑project to specify the project to use for viewing the results of the analysis (the first Helix QAC project of the CMA solution is used by default).
‑‑embed‑header‑messages, ‑e   Embed diagnostics from header files into source code (annotated source output only). Multi project CMA solutions (‑C) are not supported currently.
‑‑files, ‑F   Specify a path to a file containing a list of files for which to view results. If not supplied, results for all files in the project will be presented.
‑‑format, ‑f  

Specify the format in which diagnostics should be presented. Refer to Formatting the Diagnostic String for more information.

The default format string is:
%F(%l,%c): %?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%)(%G:%N) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(\n%v%)

For annotated source (STDERR and STDOUT) is:
%?C%(%^%)%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(%N) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(\n%v%)

For annotated source (HTML) is:
%?C%(%^%)%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(<a href="file://%H">%p-%N</a>) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(<br/>%v%)

For SARIF output, the format string is empty.

‑‑header‑format, ‑H  

Specify the format in which diagnostics should be presented for header files. The content is identical to ‑‑format. Only used when ‑‑embed‑header‑messages is specified.

If no value is provided and a value for ‑‑format is supplied, then this same value will be used as the header format. If both a header and ‑‑format is not supplied, then the following default values will be used:

For annotated source (STDERR and STDOUT):
%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(%N) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(\n%v%)

For annotated source (HTML):
%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(<a href="file://%H">%p-%N</a>) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(<br/>%v%)

For annotated source (XML):

‑‑help, ‑h   Displays usage information and exits.
‑‑ignore‑rest, ‑‑   Ignores the rest of the labelled arguments following this flag.
‑‑include‑zero‑headers, ‑Z   By default, all source files are output, but only headers with a non-zero number of diagnostics are shown. This option will show all source and header files, regardless of the diagnostics count.
‑‑indent, ‑i -1 or 0 Sets the number of spaces or tabs that will be output for each level of indentation (XML and JSON only). Positive numbers indicate spaces, negative numbers tabs. The default for XML is -1 and for JSON it is 0.
‑‑max‑count, ‑X   Introduces a limit on the number of times that any message is displayed. The default of 0 indicates no limit is applied.
‑‑max‑severity, ‑v   Filter messages whose severity is more than the supplied severity. This can be used with the ‑‑min‑severity option to only output messages within a severity range or specific severity. 9 is acceptable, but will filter nothing.
‑‑min‑severity, ‑S   Filter messages whose severity is less than the supplied severity. This can be used with the ‑‑max‑severity option to only output messages within a severity range or specific severity. 0 is acceptable, but will filter nothing.
‑‑medium, ‑m   Specify the medium through which to show results. Viewing results are restricted under normal license provisions. JSON output is only available for the SARIF format.
‑‑multi‑homed‑format, ‑D  

Format to use when displaying multi-homed (homeless) diagnostics, such as diagnostics from CMA. Possible values are:

  • NONE - Do not output any multi-homed diagnostics (Default)
  • DUPLICATE - Duplicate each diagnostic to each location.
  • SINGLE - Output each diagnostic to a single location. DIAGLST only, excluding embedded headers.
‑‑nomsg, ‑N   Suppresses the display of the specified messages. Message numbers can be specified individually, or as a list, range or a combination of both: ‑‑nomsg 2356 ‑‑nomsg 1234,1236,1240 ‑‑nomsg 2111,2200‑2300
‑‑no‑line‑numbers, ‑b   Do not output line numbers (annotated source output only, excluding XML).
‑‑no‑header‑messages, ‑n   Do not show diagnostics from header files.
‑‑one‑line‑only, ‑1   Only output the source code if it has a diagnostic associated with it (annotated source output only).
‑‑only, ‑O   Only the specified warning messages will be shown. Message numbers can be specified individually, or as a list, range or a combination of both: ‑‑only 2356 ‑‑only 1234,1236,1240 ‑‑only 2111,2200‑2300
‑‑output‑name   For commands that produce a single file, such as ‑t SUMMARY ‑m XML or ‑t SARIF ‑m JSON prefix the filename with this value. This enables customization of the filename.
‑‑output‑path, ‑o   Specify a path to an existing directory, with write access, to place the output files in. This option is only valid when the medium option is set to HTML, XML or JSON. Duplicate files will not be overwritten, and their name will have a unique number appended.
‑‑qaf‑project, ‑P   Specify a path to a valid Helix QAC project for which to view results.
‑‑relative‑paths, ‑R   Source files will be shown relative to the Source Root folder.
‑‑rule‑format, ‑u  

Specify the format in which each rule violation should be presented. For each rule violation, the output defined by this string is appended to the diagnostic string output (i.e. based on the ‑‑format option or the default format string)

Refer to Formatting the Rule Violation String for more information

‑‑rules, ‑r   For each message that is displayed, show the rule text for the rules that it is mapped to. This option requires either %r or %v to be present in the ‑‑format string parameter. If ‑‑format is not specified the default will be used. Refer to ‑‑format, ‑f for default values.
‑‑suppression‑filter, ‑r   Specify which suppressed diagnostics to allow through the filter. Possible options are: ALL, BASELINE, COMMENT, DASHBOARD, INTERACTIVE, MACRO, PRAGMA, and VALIDATE. The format specifier 'Suppression Justification' (%j) will only be populated if you have selected this option. DASHBOARD and VALIDATE are synonyms for INTERACTIVE.
‑‑type, ‑t DIAGLST

Specify the format that the results are presented in:

  • ANNSRC - Annotated source code listing
  • DIAGLST - Diagnostic list (Default)
  • SARIF - Industry standard SARIF format
  • SUMMARY - Summary table detailing diagnostics in each severity level
The DIAGLST, ANNSRC, and SARIF options require an appropriate license.
‑‑xml‑format, ‑x   Whenever XML output is requested a default set of elements will always be output these are described in the manual. You can also request that certain fields are output with each diagnostic by including them in the xml‑format string. The available specifiers are a subset of the fields available in the ‑‑format string. Refer to Specifier to XML Mapping.
‑‑xml‑header‑format, ‑d  

Specify which XML elements should be output for header files. The content is identical to ‑‑xml‑format. Only used when ‑‑embed‑header‑messages is specified. If no value is provided and a value for ‑‑xml‑format is supplied, then this same value will be used as the header format. If both ‑‑xml‑header‑format and ‑‑xml‑format are not supplied, then the following default values will be used: %l%c%n%t

To output all fields then use a wildcard, such as ‑‑xml‑header‑format="*"


This section describes options that are common to all output types. For more information on options that are specific to a particular style, refer to the sub-topics at the end of this topic.

To output the results for a Helix QAC project to standard output, issue the following command:

qacli view -P <directory> --medium STDOUT

To output to standard error, replace STDOUT with STDERR in the above command.

When the argument to the ‑‑medium option is set to HTML, XML or JSON, a directory can be specified. Files will be output to this directory:

qacli view -P <directory> -m HTML --output-path <directory>

The directory must exist. The output will mirror the directory structure of the source files. To flatten the output into a single folder then add ‑‑collate‑output (‑c). Duplicate files will not be overwritten, and their name will have a unique number appended. For example:

foo.txt foo(1).txt foo(2).txt

To show rule information with each primary diagnostic (but not sub-diagnostics):

qacli view -P <directory> -m STDOUT --rules

The ‑‑rules (‑r) option requires either %r or %v to be present in the ‑‑format string parameter. Refer to Default Format Strings for more information.

Multi-homed messages—messages that are not generated for a specific project file but multiple locations—can be displayed in several formats using the ‑‑multi‑homed‑format, ‑D option.

Diagnostic List (DIAGLST)

This is the default output type and produces a list of diagnostics together with any sub-diagnostics. The exact format of the output is controlled by the ‑‑format option. For information on how to alter this, refer to Formatting the Diagnostic String. To produce default output for a project in the current directory, use a command such as:

qacli view -m STDOUT -P .

This will result in output like this example:

// ======= Results for /home/katie_mac/.config/Perforce/Helix-QAC-
/home/katie_mac/.config/Perforce/Helix-QAC-2021.2/samples/sample_inspect_c2021.2/src/inspect.c(0,1): Msg(2:0790) This translation unit makes use of floating types.
2021.2/src/inspect.c(1,9): Msg(2:4600) The macro 'NULL' is also defined in '<stddef.h>'.

Annotated Source (ANNSRC)

To display diagnostics as annotations in the original source code (both source and headers) you should output in annotated source style:

qacli view -P <directory> -m HTML --type ANNSRC

You can add the ‑‑one‑line‑only argument (‑1) to output only those lines from the source code that have diagnostics associated with them:

qacli view -P . -m STDOUT -t ANNSRC -1

Rather than having individual entries for each source file and header separately, it’s possible to embed the headers into the annotated source listing using ‑‑embed‑header‑messages argument (‑e). This form of output is not supported for multi-project CMA solutions.

qacli view -P . -m STDOUT -t ANNSRC -e

The diagnostic output for included files will only show the top-level diagnostic - no sub-diagnostics will be output.

It is also possible to specify how any included diagnostics are formatted using their own formatting string: ‑‑header‑format‑string argument (‑H). The content is identical to the ‑‑format option - refer to Formatting the Diagnostic String.

If no value is provided and a value for ‑‑format is supplied, then this same value will be used as the header format. If both a ‑‑header‑format‑string and ‑‑format are not supplied, then the following default values will be used:

For output to STDOUT and STDERR:

%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(%N) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(\n%v%)

For output to HTML:

%?u==0%(%?h%(Err%:Msg%)%:-->%F:%l:%c %)(<a href=\"%H\">%p-%N</a>) %R(%u, )%t%?v%(<br/>%v%)

For output to XML:


These values are similar to the defaults for ‑‑format, but with leading %?C%(%^%) removed.

Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF)

The Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) is an industry standard format for the output of static analysis tools.

We output to version (2.1.0) of the standard, full details of the standard can be found here (external PDF).

To output in SARIF format use ‑‑type SARIF and ‑‑medium JSON. For example:

qacli view -P <directory> -m JSON --type SARIF

This will output a JSON based SARIF file to the current directory, with the default name project.sarif. If the file already exists, then the command will fail. You can either:

  • Remove the file and retry the command.
  • Output to a different directory, using the ‑‑output‑path option.
  • Output to a different filename, using the ‑‑output‑name option.
  • Use the ‑‑collate‑output option so that a unique filename is generated based upon the name, for example project.sarif is first tried, then project(1).sarif etc.

To output to another directory, use the ‑‑output‑path. For example:

qacli view -P <directory> -m JSON --type SARIF --output-path ../frodo

To output to a specific named file, use the ‑‑output‑name. For example:

qacli view -P <directory> -m JSON --type SARIF --output-name My_Sarif_File

The appropriate extension (.sarif) will automatically be added. Both ‑‑output‑path and ‑‑output‑name can be used together to exactly dictate the location and name for the output file.

SARIF files are JSON based and can be very large. They are automatically output in the most efficient representation possible i.e., minimal spacing and newlines, which are not easily readable by a casual observer. For this reason, it may be preferable to pass them through a JSON beautifier. Several are available, including a default one shipped with Python. For example:

python -m json.tool project.sarif > project_formatted.sarif
Several viewers to display SARIF content are available for Linux and Windows from various providers. You can find multiple free viewers are here (external site).
Because the standard is so prescribed many of the options available (mainly relating to formatting) to the view command are not applicable, such as the ‑‑format option. For SARIF output this has an empty default i.e. no custom formatting string will be produced. You can explicitly supply a format string, but because there is no obvious mapping to a SARIF field it will be output in the SARIF “Property Bag” called “formattedString”. It is unlikely any SARIF reader will display this without some customization.

Severity Summary (SUMMARY)

To output a concise severity summary of a project use ‑‑type SUMMARY. For example:

qacli view -P <directory> -m STDOUT --type SUMMARY

This will output the summary to the console, where it can be redirected to a file if needed.

Naturally, you can also output to a HTML or XML file. By default, the file will be called severity_summary.xml (or .html) and be in the current working directory.

To output to another directory, use ‑‑output‑path. For example:

qacli view -P <directory> -m XML --type SUMMARY --output-path ../frodo

To output to a specific named file, use ‑‑output‑name. For example:

qacli view -P <directory> -m XML --type SUMMARY --output-name My_Sev_Summary

The appropriate extension (.xml or .html) will automatically be added. Both ‑‑output‑path and ‑‑output‑name can be used together to exactly dictate the location and name for the output file.

For XML output an additional schema that describes the file format will be output. It will be called cli_view_severity_summary.xsd

For multi-project CMA solutions one file per underlying project will be created. The name will be severity_summary.xml (or .html), then severity_summary(1).xml and so on.