qacli sync

Synchronize files automatically into a Helix QAC project.


sync [-P <directory>] -t <BAZEL|BUILD_LOG|INJECT|JSON|MONITOR|MSVS> [-g] [-o <output-path>] [-x] [-Z] [-c <command>] [-m <custom-mnemonics>] [--] [-h] <file|command(s)|target>

Extended Description

Automatically synchronize files from a user’s build system/environment into a Helix QAC project. Subsequent analysis and reporting can then be used using this Helix QAC project. Several different methods are available covering the most popular build environments.


Name, shorthand Default Description
‑‑command, ‑c   BAZEL sync only. Specifies the version of Bazel. If a single Bazel version is installed, use the string 'bazel'. If multiple versions are installed, specify the version. For example: ‑‑command bazel‑6.4.0. Refer to BAZEL.
‑‑custom‑mnemonics, ‑m   BAZEL sync only. Specifies use of custom mnemonics created by the user. For example: ‑‑custom‑mnemonics "mnemonic1 mnemonic2 mnemonic3". Refer to BAZEL.
‑‑generate‑cct, ‑g   Automatically generate a CCT, assuming enough information is available in the sync method.
‑‑help, ‑h   Displays usage information and exits.
‑‑ignore‑rest, ‑‑   Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
‑‑optimize, ‑Z   Optimize the project's folder and file dependencies before the project configuration is saved.
‑‑output-progress, ‑o   Specify the file that Helix QAC synchronization progress will be piped to. No output from Helix QAC will be sent to the console. Any output originally coming from the underlying build system will continue to be output on the console.
‑‑qaf‑project, ‑P . Specify a path to a valid Helix QAC project.
‑‑sync-exit-code, ‑x   Do not return a standard Helix QAC exit code ‑return whatever the sync/build system returned. This option is only really useful for MONITOR synchronization.
‑‑type, ‑t  

Specify the type of synchronization to perform to add files and dependent information to the project. Supported types are:

  • AUTO_CCT: DEPRECATED. Use INJECT ‑‑generate‑cct.
  • BAZEL: Extract files from a local Bazel build system.

  • BUILD_LOG: Use a list of files contained in a build log. Refer to BUILD_LOG.
  • INJECT: Monitor the build process to detect files to process. Refer to INJECT.
  • JSON: Use a JSON compilation database. Refer to JSON.
  • MONITOR: Monitor the build process to detect files to process. Refer to MONITOR.
  • MSVS: Take output from the MS Visual Studio build system. Refer to MSVS (Windows Only).
<file|script|command>   Mandatory additional argument, specific to the sync type. See cross-references in the row above for more information.