Common Error Messages

<n> success and <m> failures

Typically, when an operation has been completed that involves several files, such as an analysis of an entire project, a summary message like the above is generated. The message gives the total number of successful and failed operations for every file. If there are any failures, then the message also highlights which logfile to consult for further details. For example:

0 successes and 1 failure.
See log for more details: /home/cartman/.config/Perforce/Helix-QAC-2020.1/app/logs/Helix-QAC_20200117T102642_17976.log    

<file> - no results for this files in the database

When performing a view operation, the above message may be seen. The message means that the file has not been analyzed.

<file> - zero diagnostics found

This message indicates that the file has been analyzed, but there are no suitable diagnostics generated.