The Helix QAC Dashboard Menu
This allows interaction with Helix QAC Dashboard, which is a centralized application that manipulates, summarizes, and gives wide visibility to, the results generated using Helix QAC.
The options are as follows:
- Connect to Helix QAC Dashboard Server - You will note that, in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, the Connection Status to Helix QAC Dashboard is displayed. By default, it is Disconnected.
- Unify Project - This option allows projects to be shared, and enables the downloading of suppressions, and snapshots to be used as baselines, from Helix QAC Dashboard. Uploading a new definition creates a project in Helix QAC Dashboard, which, in conjunction with the Helix QAC project, forms a "Unified Project". The definitions for existing "Unified Projects" can also be updated.
- Upload Results - This option allows you to upload either an entire, analyzed project to Helix QAC Dashboard, or else a selection of analyzed files. Assuming that you are connected to the corresponding version of Helix QAC Dashboard, select either Upload Results : Upload Project <project> to Dashboard or Upload Results : Upload Selected Files to Dashboard. The Upload Results dialog is displayed.
You can connect to the required host by either selecting this option or clicking the icon on the toolbar, and then specifying the host and username (which you can allow Helix QAC to remember for next time), and password. Once Helix QAC Dashboard is connected, this is confirmed in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Hovering over the connection will show a tooltip confirming the user that you are connected as.
The Upload Results dialog is used to populate values that will be used when uploading results to Helix QAC Dashboard. At a minimum you must enter a Project Name and this will be used to identify the upload on Helix QAC Dashboard. The following optional values may also be specified:
- Snapshot Name - The name of the snapshot. If not specified then a name based upon the date & time will be used.
- Snapshot Parent - The name of the parent snapshot, to which the new snapshot will be directly connected. If this entry is not provided then the last uploaded snapshot is chosen as parent.
You can also select how and if source files will be uploaded - next to Upload Source, select None, All, or Only not in VCS to upload only the source that is not yet in the Version Control System set up under the Version Control Configuration tab in Project Properties. You can also determine the Upload Path - hover over the settings to see the help, before selecting Root, Relative or Absolute.
Clicking on the Advanced Settings toggle enables the user to specify more detailed options. The Number of Jobs item allows the user to specify how many threads will be used during the upload. It is recommended to keep this value set to the default value. For Dashboard projects whose source code resides in a VCS you may override the Helix QAC VCS settings by selecting the New VCS Settings checkbox. You can then enter the Repository Path to specify the source code repository of the Helix QAC Dashboard project and select a VCS File to upload to Dashboard. See Version Control Configuration for more details.
To commence the upload, click OK. Once the resultant progress bar indicates completion of the upload, open the host and you will see the project or files in Helix QAC Dashboard under the new Project Name that you supplied.
- Download Unified Project - This option allows you to create a new Helix QAC project as part of a "Unified Project". It can also be used to update an existing "Unified Project".
- Download Baseline - This option downloads a snapshot and the corresponding source code, which together are used to generate baseline diagnostic suppressions.
- Download Suppressions - This option downloads suppressions that have been defined within Helix QAC Dashboard. These suppressions are applied against diagnostics in the local source code.