qacli report
Generate analysis reports based upon the analysis results of a Helix QAC project.
report [-P <directory>] [-K <config name>] [-C <solution-name>] -t <acronym> [-j <n>] [-n <report name>] [-o <directory>] [-F <file>] [-i] [--] [-h]
Extended Description
Generate one of a standard set of reports for a user’s project. Users can add additional reports (written in Python) to customize the exact format and content of a report.
Name, shorthand | Default | Description |
‑‑cma‑solution, ‑C
Specify the name of the cross-module analysis (CMA) solution to use to extract CMA results from and include in the report. | |
‑‑config, ‑K
For projects with multiple configurations, specify which configuration to use. If none is specified, then the default configuration will be used. | |
‑‑files, ‑F
Specify a path to a file containing a list of files from the project for which to generate the report. If not supplied, the report will be generated for all files in the project. | |
‑‑help, ‑h
Displays usage information and exits. | |
‑‑ignore, ‑i
Ignore dependency checking. The output should be considered draft and may not be 100% complete. | |
‑‑ignore‑rest, ‑‑
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. | |
‑‑jobs, ‑j
4 | Specify the maximum number of jobs to run in parallel for the report generation. Only certain steps in the generation are done in parallel. |
‑‑output-name, ‑n
<name_of_project>_<report type>_<date>_<time>.<format> | Optional report name (without the trailing extension). |
‑‑output‑path, ‑o
prqa/configs/<config-name>/reports | Specify a path to a directory where the the report files should be placed. This directory must be writable. If it does not already exist, it will be created. |
‑‑qaf‑project, ‑P
. | Specify a path to a valid Helix QAC project. |
‑‑type, ‑t
The type of report to be generated:
Generate a Code Review Report
To generate a Code Review Report with the default name and location, issue this command:
The report will be generated in the prqa\configs\Initial\reports subdirectory and the report name will follow the format: <Project Name>_<type>_DDMMYYYY_HHMMSS.<format>
Skipping Dependency Checking
If you wish to skip dependency checking so that reports are generated even for those files for which analyses remain out of date, for example because RCMA is in the toolchain, then use the following command:
(or ‑i
) option given above, then you should be aware that, because the dependency checking has not been run (and subsequent analysis has also not been run), the reports may not be final: that is to say, they may not be 100% complete. For this reason, all reports generated using this option are marked as Draft in the HTML/XML.Custom Name and Location
By default all reports go to a fixed location (prqa/configs/<config-name>/reports), this can be overridden by specifying ‑‑output‑path
(or ‑o
That will create a report with a default name. If you wish to specify a name then use the ‑‑output‑name
(or ‑n
) option:
Parallel Report Generation
Various stages in the report generation process can be done in parallel, which may reduce the time needed to produce the report. The ‑j
(or ‑‑jobs
) option specifies the number of simultaneous jobs to run in parallel. Some experimentation may be needed to determine the optimal value - using an excessively large value is counter-productive and may increase the report generation time. If not specified, then a default value of four is used.
Custom Report Options
Some report types, such as MCR and SCR, can use optional custom parameters that customize the report. These can be added on the CLI after the "‑‑
" option. For example, the following will create a MISRA report with just a summary page:
Another example is the following command, which will limit the output to 100 rows in each table in the Standards Compliance Report:
For more information on custom optional parameters, see Standard Report Types.
Generate a Report for a Project in a CMA Solution
To generate a report for a project that was analyzed as part of a CMA solution (i.e analyzed using the qacli analyze ‑‑cma‑solution | ‑C
command) you must now specify the solution when generating the report. For example: