Multi-Project CMA Solution Analysis

Multi-Project CMA Solution analysis is performed against a CMA Solution. See Section CMA Solution Editor for details of how to create a CMA Solution.

To run CMA analysis, select Run CMA Analysis from Analyze menu:

You need to have an active Helix QAC project to be able to use the command. It brings up a dialog, listing the available CMA Solutions. Choose one and click OK to start the analysis.

The results of the CMA analysis will be stored against the current project and can be viewed alongside the normal analysis results for that project. If you open a different project, you will not be able to view the CMA results just calculated. Instead, perform a CMA analysis against the new project to see the CMA results.

For example, if a CMA Solution X contains Helix QAC projects A and B, then:

  1. Open project A, and run CMA analysis against CMA Solution X. The results will be visible from project A.
  2. Open project B, and no CMA results will be visible. Analyze CMA Solution X from B, and the results will then become visible from B.
  3. If the results are then cleaned from project B, this will have no effect on the results still stored against project A.

If a single Helix QAC project belongs to several CMA Solutions, you will need to analyze each of those CMA Solutions to obtain the full set of results for the Helix QAC project.