Post-Installation Customization (Component Module)

The installers install a full version of the component. If resources are tight or you want minimal disk usage (for say a Docker environment) you can remove some elements of the installation using the script, located in the scripts directory of the Helix QAC installation.

You will need to run this script for each component you want to trim.
A similar script called can be used to trim the Helix QAC installation. Refer to Post Installation Customization for more information.
usage: [-h] [-v] [--dry-run] [-d INSTALL_DIR] [-j] [-r] [-m] [-a]optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --dry-run             show what would be deleted, but don't delete
  -d INSTALL_DIR, --install-dir INSTALL_DIR
                        location of Helix QAC CM installation to trim
  -j, --remove-japanese
                        remove Japanese translations, documentation and RCFs
  -r, --remove-release-docs
                        remove all release documentation
  -m, --remove-manual-docs
                        remove all manual documentation
  -a, --remove-all      remove as much as possible, leaving a minimal English application

The script can be run using a user installed version of Python 3 or the version that comes shipped with Helix QAC. For example, if Helix QAC is installed under the /home/trinity directory then Japanese can be removed from the install using a command such as:

/home/trinity/Helix-QAC-2021.3/components/python-3.*/bin/python /home/trinity/Helix-QAC-2021.3/scripts/ --install_dir /home/trinity/m3cm-2.1.0 --remove-japanese

Unless you are located at the root of the component you wish to modify you should use the --install-dir option and manually specify the location of the component you want to modify.