pi ip load

Command Help

> pi ip load -h
Usage: pi ip load [-h] [--args ARGS] [--local LOCAL [--local LOCAL] ... |
                  ip [workspace]

Description: Load an IP into a Workspace. An IP Workspace is the directory
containing the IP and all its resources. To work with an IP, users load it
into a Workspace.

Positional arguments:
  ip                    The IP to load into the Workspace.
  workspace             The Workspace directory. By default the directory is
                        set to the name of the IP.

Optional arguments:
  --args ARGS           Arguments passed to the hooks.
  --local LOCAL [--local LOCAL] ..., -l LOCAL [--local LOCAL] ...
                        Load the IP named LOCAL in local mode (directly into
                        the Workspace).
  --local-all           Load all IPVs in local mode.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

More information and documentation available at:
Copyright © 2010-2024 Perforce Software, Inc., Inc.


> pi ip load tutorial.tutorial
Loading IPV 'tutorial.tutorial@6.TRUNK' into Workspace '/tmp/workspaces/tutorial.tutorial'.
INFO:Waiting for 7 PiCache jobs ...
INFO:Waiting for 3 PiCache jobs ...
INFO:Waiting for 1 PiCache job ...
│ NAME                       │      VERSION      │    MODE   │ RELATIVE PATH            │
│ tutorial.tutorial          │      6.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/tutorial          │
│ ARM.cortex                 │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/cortex            │
│ certification.ibm_rqm      │    0.RQM_6_0_5    │   Refer   │ blocks/ibm_rqm           │
│ tutorial.CADenv            │  GOLD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/CADenv            │
│ tutorial.MS90G             │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/MS90G             │
│ tutorial.acells_tsmc18     │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/acells_tsmc18     │
│ tutorial.adc               │  HEAD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/adc               │
│ tutorial.aes512            │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/aes512            │
│ tutorial.analog_top        │  HEAD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/analog_top        │
│ tutorial.bist_sram         │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/bist_sram         │
│ tutorial.clk_mux           │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/clk_mux           │
│ tutorial.clkgen            │  HEAD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/clkgen            │
│ tutorial.cpu               │ LATEST.TRUNK [@1] │   Refer   │ blocks/cpu               │
│ tutorial.dac               │  HEAD.TRUNK [@0]  │ Container │                          │
│ tutorial.dbuf              │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/dbuf              │
│ tutorial.digital_top       │      2.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/digital_top       │
│ tutorial.events_if         │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/events_if         │
│ tutorial.flash             │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/flash             │
│ tutorial.flash_if          │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/flash_if          │
│ tutorial.fusa              │ LATEST.TRUNK [@0] │ Container │                          │
│ tutorial.gen_dig           │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/gen_dig           │
│ tutorial.interface         │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/interface         │
│ tutorial.intf_ana          │  HEAD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/intf_ana          │
│ tutorial.io5v              │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/io5v              │
│ tutorial.io_tsmc18         │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/io_tsmc18         │
│ tutorial.laysc_tsmc18      │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/laysc_tsmc18      │
│ tutorial.padring           │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/padring           │
│ tutorial.proj_tech         │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/proj_tech         │
│ tutorial.pwr_mgmt_ana      │  HEAD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/pwr_mgmt_ana      │
│ tutorial.rx_channel        │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/rx_channel        │
│ tutorial.rxtx              │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/rxtx              │
│ tutorial.stup_ana          │  HEAD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/stup_ana          │
│ tutorial.sys_bus           │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/sys_bus           │
│ tutorial.t0                │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/t0                │
│ tutorial.t1                │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/t1                │
│ tutorial.timers            │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/timers            │
│ tutorial.tool_cert         │ LATEST.TRUNK [@0] │ Container │                          │
│ tutorial.trc               │  HEAD.TRUNK [@1]  │   Refer   │ blocks/trc               │
│ tutorial.tutorial_IEC61508 │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/tutorial_IEC61508 │
│ tutorial.tutorial_ISO26262 │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/tutorial_ISO26262 │
│ tutorial.verif_config      │      1.TRUNK      │   Refer   │ blocks/verif_config      │