Using Markdown in text and table widgets
Helix IPLM's 'text' and 'table' type widgets support the Showdown Markdown Language. Some example text widgets that use Markdown language are shown below. Currently Markdown is not supported for other widget types.
Code block
Text widget in Markdown
pi ip attr set tutorial.tutorial@1.TRUNK my_code_block '{"display":"text", "data": ["``` \n pi ip load tutorial.cpu myws \n Loading IPV 'tutorial.cpu@2.TRUNK' into Workspace '/tmp/workspaces/myws'. \n ┌────────────────────┬───────────────────┬───────┬───────────────┐ \n │ NAME │ VERSION │ MODE │ RELATIVE PATH │\n ╞════════════════════╪═══════════════════╪═══════╪═══════════════╡ \n │ tutorial.cpu │ 2.TRUNK │ Local │ cpu │ \n │ tutorial.bist_sram │ 1.TRUNK │ Local │ bist_sram | \n │ tutorial.gen_dig │ LATEST.TRUNK [@2] │ Local │ gen_dig │ \n │ tutorial.proj_tech │ 1.TRUNK │ Local │ proj_tech │ \n └────────────────────┴───────────────────┴───────┴───────────────┘ \n ```"]}'
IPLM Web display
Escaping characters
Escaping characters in Markdown is accomplished using double backslash characters.
Escaping Characters in Markdown
pi ip attr set tutorial.adc escaped '{"display":"text","data":[{"title":"Escaped Char","text":"Backslash escape tests:\nbackslash: \\ \nbacktick: \\`\nasterisk: \\*\nunderscore: \\_\ncurly braces: \\{\\}\nsquare brackets: \\[\\]\nparenthesis: \\(\\)\nhash mark: \\#\nplus sign: \\+\nminus sign: \\-\ndot: \\.\nexclamation mark: \\!\n_emphasis_\n__strong__"}]}'
IPLM Web Display
Emojis in Markdown
> pi ip attribute set tutorial.padring@1.TRUNK emojis '{"display":"text","data": ["this is a :smile: emoji :+1: :ghost: :jack_o_lantern:"]}'
IPLM Web Display