Listing workspaces

Helix IPLM centrally tracks all workspaces built from IPVs. By default only the workspaces created by the user running the list are shown, all workspaces can be listed with the --all option.

Workspace list overview

Up-to-date workspace contents and other information can be tracked centrally, providing a convenient way to check for particular IP versions across workspaces in the system. See 'pi ws list --contains' which is detailed below.

Permissions and workspace listing

To list a workspace a user must have read permission to the top level IP and Line in the workspace. If a user has permission to the top level IPV but is missing permissions to some resource IPVs in the workspace, the resource IPVs will not be displayed in the list output.

Command line

The 'pi workspace list' command is used to list workspaces in Helix IPLM.

pi ws list command
> pi ws list -h
Usage: pi workspace list [-h] [--format {csv,json,long,table} | --verbose]
                         [--model MODEL] [--contains IP [IP ...]]
                         [--match-substring MATCH_SUBSTRING]
                         [--creator CREATOR [CREATOR ...]] [--all]
                         [--limit LIMIT] [--query QUERY] [--squery SQUERY]

Description: List all matching Workspaces. A variety of format and filtering
options are supported.

Optional arguments:
  --format {csv,json,long,table}
                        Return the results using the specified data structure.
                        Default value is "table".
  --limit LIMIT         Limit the output to the specified number of records
                        Filter by matching substring. All fields in the output
                        are considered
  --model MODEL         Use the specified report model (table report only).
  --query QUERY, -q QUERY
                        Filter using the Helix IPLM Query Language.
  --squery SQUERY, -sq SQUERY
                        Filter using a Saved Helix IPLM Query.
  --verbose, -v         Alias for --format long.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

  --all, -a             Include all Workspaces without filtering by creator
                        (shows only Workspace created by the current user
  --contains IP [IP ...]
                        Filter by Workspace that contains the IP, Line or IPV.
                        Matches against list of resources in the workspace as
                        well as top IPV.
  --creator CREATOR [CREATOR ...]
                        Filter by Workspace creator.

Controlling the number of workspaces displayed

By default only workspaces created by the user running the 'pi ws list' command are displayed.

Command Option Description

--all, -a

Show all workspaces, without filtering to just workspaces created by the current user

--creator CREATOR

Limit the output to workspace created by the specified user.

Configuring the output format

Helix IPLM can display the list output in a number of different formats

Command Option Format Description



The default format option, a list of values in table format.


Displays detailed information about the workspace, equivalent to --verbose, v output


Display the list of workspaces in json format. Note that the Helix IPLM API should be used for scripting purposes.


Display the list of workspaces in comma separated value format.

--verbose, -v

Displays detailed information about the workspace, equivalent to --format long output

--model MODEL

Display a custom table format MODEL defined in piclient.conf. See here for more information on configuring display models.

Searching workspaces 

Command Option


--contains IP

Filter by Workspace that contains the IP, Line or IPV. Matches against list of resources in the workspace as well as top IPV.


Filter workspaces by a substring search across their fields. A quick alternative to running a query.

Running queries

For more details on using queries, refer to the Querying Workspaces section.

Command Option


--query QUERY, -q QUERY

Search using a Helix IPLM query language expression

--squery SQUERY, -sq SQUERY

Search using a saved Helix IPLM query language expression

Limiting the number of results

The maximum number of results returned from pi ws list is controlled by the 'max_list_records_limit' setting in piclient.conf. See  the Client Configuration section for more details concerning configuration with piclient.conf. 

The following option can be used to override the default 'max_list_records_limit' setting:

Command Option Description

--limit LIMIT

Limit the output to the specified number of records. This setting will override the piclient.conf setting if provided. Using --limit 0 will return all records.

If all existing records are not returned due to a limit being reached (whether from the piclient.conf setting or from the --limit option) the command output provides a description of how many records were returned out of the total.

Workspace list example --contains

Workspaces may be listed based either on the Fully Qualified Name (FQN) of the IP of the form <LIB>.<IP>@<VER>.<LINE> or in a filtered version of the name (see here for details). For tracing IP usage in server side releases see the Tracing IP Usage on the Server section.

--contents Example
> pi ws list --all --contains tutorial.
│ TOP IPV                       │ CREATED BY │ CREATED ON                    │ PATH               │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK     │ admin      │ 2018-07-10 06:52:12 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws2 │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK     │ admin      │ 2018-07-02 09:01:59 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws1 │
│ tutorial.verif_config@1.TRUNK │ admin      │ 2018-07-13 08:52:54 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/ws1           │
Found 3 matching object(s).
> pi ws list --contains tutorial.padring
│ TOP IPV                   │ CREATED BY │ CREATED ON                    │ PATH               │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK │ admin      │ 2018-07-10 06:52:12 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws2 │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK │ admin      │ 2018-07-02 09:01:59 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws1 │
Found 2 matching object(s).
> pi ws list --contains tutorial.padring@1
│ TOP IPV                   │ CREATED BY │ CREATED ON                    │ PATH               │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK │ admin      │ 2018-07-10 06:52:12 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws2 │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK │ admin      │ 2018-07-02 09:01:59 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws1 │
Found 2 matching object(s).
> pi ws list --contains tutorial.padring@2
No matching objects found.

Workspace list example --creator

Workspaces may also be listed based the user that created them.

--creator Example
> pi ws list --all --creator admin
│ TOP IPV                       │ CREATED BY │ CREATED ON                    │ PATH               │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK     │ admin      │ 2018-07-10 06:52:12 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws2 │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK     │ admin      │ 2018-07-02 09:01:59 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/workpsace/ws1 │
│ tutorial.verif_config@1.TRUNK │ admin      │ 2018-07-13 08:52:54 -0700 PDT │ /tmp/ws1           │
Found 3 matching object(s).

Workspace list customization options

It is possible to customize the default table output display of 'pi workspace list'. For more details, refer to the Client Configuration section.

The following non-default fields are available. 

Optional Display Field Description
last_update_timestamp The last time the workspace was updated
last_updater The last user that updated the workspace
p4_client The main Perforce Software, Inc. client associated with the workspace (if any)
resources List of IPV resources currently loaded into the workspace
uuid The internal UUID used to track the workspace in Helix IPLM. Useful for 'pi ws delete --id' command
workspace_manager The workspace manager (eg PWM) used to create the workspace