
The Helix IPLM Events platform publishes the events that occur in the platform. These events can be subscribed to, and are processed by a dedicated event consumer. These event consumers can format, aggregate, and distribute the published events to support a variety of automation applications.

Events overview

Helix IPLM event and messaging system is a flexible way of generating real-time notifications about events related to Helix IPLM objects. In addition, the event system is designed to be easily integrated with third-party tools that can consume real-time information from Helix IPLM. The event system has been designed using the industry-standard Redis Pub/Sub mechanism. A fully functional Redis instance is included in the Helix IPLM package.

Event format

Each event emitted by Helix IPLM event system follows a pre-defined format, and includes a set of available data fields.

Common fields included for all events

Field Description
Event ID A unique message identifier
Event Type Type of event. Short and human readable
Timestamp Synced and high res
Duration ms Time to execute the associated operation
Client IP Address IP of customer system
Component Name of application that initiated a request. "CLI", "LICENSING", "PUBLIC", "SECURITY", "WEB"
User id, Username Identifier for user executing the operation (Null for anonymous user)
Object id,Object name ID of object associated with request. Only applicable for individual object events. Not applicable for “list” events for example. 
Status code, Errors

Result of operation, excluding payload

In addition to this list, some specific event types include contextual fields.

Available event types

The following is the list of available channels and event types.

Channel Event type Contextual fields
Alias events
alias:pi_edit_alias:<aliasUUID> pi_edit_alias N/A
alias:pi_list_alias:<aliasUUID> pi_list_alias N/A
alias:pi_list_aliases: pi_list_aliases N/A
alias:pi_lock_alias:<aliasUUID> pi_lock_alias N/A
alias:pi_unlock_alias:<aliasUUID> pi_unlock_alias N/A
Group events
group:pi_add_group:<groupUUID> pi_add_group N/A
group:pi_attach_group_to_group:<groupUUID> pi_attach_group_to_group childGroupID, childGroupName
group:pi_attach_user_to_group:<groupUUID> pi_attach_user_to_group childUserID, childUserName
group:pi_detach_group_from_group:<groupUUID> pi_detach_group_from_group childGroupID, childGroupName
group:pi_detach_user_from_group:<groupUUID> pi_detach_user_from_group childUserID, childUserName
group:pi_disable_group:<groupUUID> pi_disable_group N/A
group:pi_edit_group:<groupUUID> pi_edit_group N/A
group:pi_enable_group:<groupUUID> pi_enable_group N/A
group:pi_grant_license_features_to_group:<groupUUID> pi_grant_license_features_to_group features
group:pi_list_group:<groupUUID> pi_list_group N/A
group:pi_list_groups: pi_list_groups N/A
group:pi_obliterate_group:<groupUUID> pi_obliterate_group N/A
IP events
ip:pi_add_line:<ipUUID> pi_add_line sourceIPV, line ID, line Name
ip:pi_attach_label_to_ip:<ipUUID> pi_attach_label_to_ip label ID, label Name
ip:pi_attach_property_set_to_ip:<ipUUID> pi_attach_property_set_to_ip propertySet ID, propertySet Name
ip:pi_delete_ip_attribute:<ipUUID> pi_delete_ip_attribute attributeID, attributeName
ip.delete_line pi_delete_line line ID, line Name
ip:pi_detach_label_from_ip:<ipUUID> pi_detach_label_from_ip label ID, label Name
ip:pi_detach_property_set_from_ip:<ipUUID> pi_detach_property_set_from_ip propertySet ID, propertySet Name
ip:pi_edit_ip:<ipUUID> pi_edit_ip N/A
ip:pi_get_ip_attribute:<ipUUID> pi_get_ip_attribute attributeID, attributeName
ip:pi_list_ip_perms:<ipUUID> pi_list_ip_perms N/A
ip:pi_list_ip:<ipUUID> pi_list_ip N/A
ip:pi_list_ips_perms: pi_list_ips_perms N/A
ip:pi_list_ips: pi_list_ips N/A
ip:pi_set_ip_attribute:<ipUUID> pi_set_ip_attribute attributeID, attributeName
ip:pi_set_ip_perms:<ipUUID> pi_set_ip_perms N/A
ip:pi_set_ip_property:<ipUUID> pi_set_ip_property propertyID, propertyName
IPV events
ipv:pi_add_alias_to_ipv:<ipvUUID> pi_add_alias_to_ipv alias ID, aliasName
ipv:pi_delete_alias_from_ipv:<ipvUUID> pi_delete_alias_from_ipv alias ID, aliasName
ipv:pi_set_ipv_attribute:<ipvUUID> pi_set_ipv_attribute attributeID, attributeName
ipv:pi_set_ipv_property:<ipvUUID> pi_set_ipv_property propertyID, propertyName
Label events
label:pi_add_label:<labelUUID> pi_add_label N/A
label:pi_delete_label:<labelUUID> pi_delete_label safe_mode (boolean)
label:pi_edit_label:<labelUUID> pi_edit_label N/A
label:pi_list_label:<labelUUID> pi_list_label N/A
label:pi_list_labels: pi_list_labels N/A
Library events
library:pi_add_ip:<libraryUUID> pi_add_ip sourceIPV, ip ID, ip Name
library:pi_add_library:<libraryUUID> pi_add_library N/A
library:pi_attach_label_to_library:<libraryUUID> pi_attach_label_to_library label ID, label Name
library:pi_attach_property_set_to_library:<libraryUUID> pi_attach_property_set_to_library propertySet ID, propertySet Name
library:pi_delete_ip pi_delete_ip ipName
library:pi_delete_library_attribute pi_delete_library_attribute attributeID, attributeName
library:pi_delete_library pi_delete_library LibraryName
library:pi_detach_label_from_library:<libraryUUID> pi_detach_label_from_library label ID, label Name
library:pi_detach_property_set_from_library:<libraryUUID> pi_detach_property_set_from_library propertySet ID, propertySet Name
library:pi_edit_library:<libraryUUID> pi_edit_library N/A
library:pi_get_library_attribute:<libraryUUID> pi_get_library_attribute attributeID, attributeName
library:pi_list_libraries_perms: pi_list_libraries_perms N/A
library:pi_list_libraries: pi_list_libraries N/A
library:pi_list_library_perms:<libraryUUID> pi_list_library_perms N/A
library:pi_list_library:<libraryUUID> pi_list_library N/A
library:pi_obliterate_ip: pi_obliterate_ip IpID,IPName
library:pi_set_library_attribute:<libraryUUID> pi_set_library_attribute attributeID, attributeName
library:pi_set_library_perms:<libraryUUID> pi_set_library_perms N/A
Licensing events
licensing:pi_acquire_license: pi_acquire_license N/A
licensing:pi_attach_license: pi_attach_license license type
licensing:pi_detach_license: pi_detach_license license type
licensing:pi_load_license: pi_load_license license file ID
licensing:pi_usage_license: pi_usage_license N/A
Line events
line:pi_add_ipv:<lineUUID> pi_add_ipv ipv ID, ipv Name
line:pi_delete_line_attribute:<lineUUID> pi_delete_line_attribute attributeID, attributeName
line:pi_edit_line:<lineUUID> pi_edit_line N/A
line:pi_get_line_attribute:<lineUUID> pi_get_line_attribute attributeID, attributeName
line:pi_list_line_perms:<lineUUID> pi_list_line_perms N/A
line:pi_list_line:<lineUUID> pi_list_line N/A
line:pi_list_lines_perms: pi_list_lines_perms N/A
line:pi_list_lines: pi_list_lines N/A
line:pi_release_ip:<lineUUID> pi_release_ip workspaceID, workspacePath, ipv ID, ipv Name
line:pi_remove_files_from_line:<lineUUID> pi_remove_files_from_line dry_run (boolean)
line:pi_set_line_attribute:<lineUUID> pi_set_line_attribute attributeID, attributeName
line:pi_set_line_perms:<lineUUID> pi_set_line_perms N/A
Property events
property_definition:pi_add_property_definition:<property_definitionUUID> pi_add_property_definition N/A
property_definition:pi_delete_property_definition:<property_definitionUUID> pi_delete_property_definition safe_mode(boolean)
property_definition:pi_edit_property_definition:<property_definitionUUID> pi_edit_property_definition N/A
property_definition:pi_list_property_definition:<property_definitionUUID> pi_list_property_definition N/A
property_definition:pi_list_property_definitions: pi_list_property_definitions N/A
property_set:pi_add_property_set:<property_setUUID> pi_add_property_set N/A
property_set:pi_attach_property_definition_to_property_set:<property_setUUID> pi_attach_property_definition_to_property_set property ID, property Name
property_set:pi_delete_property_set:<property_setUUID> pi_delete_property_set N/A
property_set:pi_detach_property_definition_from_property_set:<property_setUUID> pi_detach_property_definition_from_property_set property ID, property Name
property_set:pi_edit_property_set:<property_setUUID> pi_edit_property_set N/A
property_set:pi_list_property_set:<property_setUUID> pi_list_property_set N/A
property_set:pi_list_property_sets: pi_list_property_sets N/A
Query events
query:pi_set_query_attribute:<queryUUID> pi_set_query_attribute attributeID, attributeName
System events
system:pi_ext_sync_groups_and_users: pi_ext_sync_groups_and_users N/A
system:pi_login: pi_login N/A
system:pi_logout: pi_logout N/A
Undefined events
undefined:pi_delete_undefined_attribute: pi_delete_undefined_attribute N/A
undefined:pi_get_undefined_attribute: pi_get_undefined_attribute N/A
undefined:pi_set_undefined_attribute: pi_set_undefined_attribute N/A
User events
user:pi_add_user:<userUUID> pi_add_user N/A
user:pi_chpwd_user:<userUUID> pi_chpwd_user N/A
user:pi_delete_user:<userUUID> pi_delete_user N/A
user:pi_disable_user:<userUUID> pi_disable_user N/A
user:pi_edit_user:<userUUID> pi_edit_user N/A
user:pi_enable_user:<userUUID> pi_enable_user N/A
user:pi_grant_license_features_to_user:<userUUID> pi_grant_license_features_to_user features
user:pi_list_user:<userUUID> pi_list_user N/A
user:pi_list_users:<userUUID> pi_list_users N/A
Workspace events
workspace:pi_load_ip:<workspaceUUID> pi_load_ip ipv ID, ipv Name

Custom-defined object events

Channel EventType Contextual Fields
custom_object_type:pi_add_custom_object:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_add_custom_object customObjectId, customObjectName, sourceCustomObjectVersionName, sourceCustomObjectVersionId
custom_object_type:pi_add_custom_object_type:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_add_custom_object_type
custom_object_type:pi_delete_custom_object_type:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_delete_custom_object_type
custom_object_type:pi_delete_custom_object:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_delete_custom_object  customObjectId, customObjectName
custom_object_type:pi_set_custom_object_type_perms:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_set_custom_object_type_perms
custom_object_type:pi_edit_custom_object_type:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_edit_custom_object_type
custom_object_type:pi_list_custom_object_types: pi_list_custom_object_types
custom_object_type:pi_list_custom_object_type:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_list_custom_object_type
custom_object_type:pi_list_custom_object_type_perms:<custom_object_type_UUID> pi_list_custom_object_type_perms
custom_object:pi_add_custom_object_version:<custom_object_UUID> pi_add_custom_object_version customObjectVersionId, customObjectVersionName
custom_object:pi_attach_property_set_to_custom_object:<custom_object_UUID> pi_attach_property_set_to_custom_object propertySetId, propertySetName
custom_object:pi_delete_custom_object_version:<custom_object_UUID> pi_delete_custom_object_version customObjectVersionId, customObjectVersionName
custom_object:pi_detach_property_set_from_custom_object:<custom_object_UUID> pi_detach_property_set_from_custom_object propertySetId, propertySetName
custom_object:pi_set_custom_object_perms:<custom_object_UUID> pi_set_custom_object_perms
custom_object:pi_edit_custom_object:<custom_object_UUID> pi_edit_custom_object
custom_object:pi_list_custom_objects: pi_list_custom_objects
custom_object:pi_list_custom_object:<custom_object_UUID> pi_list_custom_object
custom_object:pi_list_custom_object_perms:<custom_object_UUID> pi_list_custom_object_perms
custom_object:pi_set_custom_object_property:<custom_object_UUID> pi_set_custom_object_property propertyId, propertyName
custom_object_version:pi_set_custom_object_version_property:<custom_object_UUID> pi_set_custom_object_version_property propertyId, propertyName
custom_object_version:pi_list_custom_object_version:<custom_object_version_UUID> pi_list_custom_object_version
custom_object_version:pi_list_custom_object_versions: pi_list_custom_object_versions

Note:  In cases when multiple objects are updated as part of a single transaction, a failed transaction produces a single event. A successful transaction produces a multiple events, one per affected object. 

A failed attempt to:

  • create an IPLV (POST iplvs, POST iplvs/<id>/copy-to-new-ip) , will fire a pi_add_ip event.
  • edit an IPLV (PUT iplvs/<id>), will fire a pi_edit_ipv event (to be added in the next phase of events implementation).
Event Payload Example (JSON)
    "event_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "event_type": "string",
    "timestamp": 1536341270801,
    "duration_ms": 20,
    "client_ip_address": "",
    "component": "CLI",
    "user_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "user_name": "bob",
    "object_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "object_name": "",
    "status_code": 400,
    "errors": [
            "message": "NoPermissionError"        },
            "message": "ValidationIllegalFieldError"        }

Subscriptions and email notification

Helix IPLM's Subscription and email notification service permits users to manage event subscriptions and receive event notifications by email. The Email Notification service connects to your preferred SMTP server to send the notifications. The email service is not enabled by default. The example Email Notification service is provided by the piextras package using the events_handler email plugin.

Manage event subscriptions

Event subscriptions are managed using 'pi subscription edit'  commands:

'pi subscription edit' command opens a subscriptions template. The template contains subscription configurations, one per line.

pi subscription edit [-h] [--user user] [--group group] [--template TEMPLATE]
  • User and Group are optional parameters. Default (no parameters) subscribes only for currently logged in user.
  • System Administrator can modify subscription for other users and groups.
  • Individual (non-administrative) users can only modify their own subscriptions. 
Template Example
drinks = pi_add_ip    # Get a notification when a new IP is added to library drinks

* = all   # Get a notification for all events on all IPs
drinks. = all #All IPs in drinks library. Should follow 'pi ip list' patterns.
# add multiple wildcard targets
* = pi_adv_ipv

 Users can subscribe to any object or topic, regardless of permission. For objects that user does not have at least ‘read’ permission, the user will not receive any notifications for that object.

Subscription Rule Examples

Event Type Examples
drinks.* = pi_edit_alias (All aliases in "drinks" library)*.martini = pi_lock_alias (All aliases on Line "martini")
group1 = pi_disable_group
IP = pi_add_line ("vodka" IP)
IPV* (IP versions 1 on all Lines in "")* (All IPVs in "")
label_name* = pi_delete_label
drinks = pi_add_ip (all IPs in "drinks" library)
* = pi_acquire_license
drinks.* = pi_edit_line (All Lines in "drinks" library)* = pi_add_ipv (All Lines in "vodka" IP)
drinks.@.martini = pi_release_ip (Lines named "martini" in Library "drinks")
.@*.martini = pi_release_ip (All Lines named "martini" )
my_property_def = pi_add_property_definition
my_property_set = pi_add_property_set
my_query = pi_set_query_attribute
* = pi_login
* = all
my_username = pi_enable_user
my_workspace = pi_load_ip

List subscriptions

pi subscription ls lists user's current subscriptions, including group subscriptions. Output generates two sets of subscriptions under "Individual" and "Group" headers. If a user is subscribed via sub-group, the subscribed group name is displayed.

pi subscription list, ls [-h] [--user user] [--group group] 
CLI Output Example
* = pi_add_library| Library           | Individual    | - 
* = pi_add_library| Library           | Group         | Group1
* = all           | IP                | Individual    | -
drinks. = all     | Library           | Group         | Group2

Email notifications

To receive email notifications, configure an event consumer as shown below in Developing a custom event consumer.

Subscriptions API

A subscription API is available for retrieving a list of users for a given event type. For usage and additional details, refer to Public API documentation included with Helix IPLM installation.

Developing a custom event consumer

The piextras package includes a sample Event Consumer, events_handler.

The events_handler is a framework for Redis event consumer plugins and is provided by the piextras package. The piextras package contains example code that you can use out-of-the-box or as a guide for custom development.

The event_handler provides two example plugins with source code located in .../piextras/event_handler/plugins:

  • - example to write the event payload to a JSON file

  • - example email generation based on user subscriptions

The events_handler plugin framework passes user subscriptions to the plugin.

For more information, refer to the README files in the events_handler and plugins folders in piextras package.

Configuration options

System Administrators have global control over the Events system, using 'pi-admin' tool.

pi-admin settings edit
Available Pi-Admin Events Configuration Settings

# Helix IPLM events. Possible choices:
#  none        Disable events (default)
#  all         Enable all Helix IPLM events
#  write_only  Enables events that result in a Write operation
#              and disables all other events
EVENTS.enable = all

Running the commands above, will trigger the event:


Current limitations

  1. The status code of the events pi_attach_license_event and pi_detach_license_event will reflect the status code of the main operation if the main operation fails. 
  2. Attaching and detaching licenses are triggered by operations that require licenses (main operation). If the main operation fails, the status code for the pi_attach_license_event and pi_detach_license_event will also report failure even though the license was successfully attached/detached.
  3. Undefined Attribute Events are fired when the server does not have enough information to distinguish which object the attribute is attached to. Undefined Attribute Events belong to Undefined Event Context.
  4. Since events are generated by the server, client-side validations which short-circuits execution do not trigger events. Therefore, attempts to edit IP/Line/IPV from CLI which fail due to validation errors do not trigger edit events.

Helix IPLM server configuration 

Some additional PiServer configuration is required to use events. More details on configuring events are at Events Administration.