Ignore files with P4IGNORE

You can configure your workspace so that some of the files or folders it contains are not transferred into the depot. These might be automatic backup files, build files, log files, configuration scripts, personal notes, or anything else that you might not want to be under source control in the depot.


In your workspace, create a file for your rules.
On Windows, name it p4ignore.txt and for other platforms, use .p4ignore as the name.


Add to this file the rules you want. For example:

# Do not add back-up files to the depot
# I don't need temporary files to be under source control
# Ignore any PNG files
# Also ignore any files in my Drafts folder

where any line that begins with # is a comment you write for yourself.


Click Add. P4V list any workspace files that will not be included in the depot.

The red + indicates the workspace files that will be included in the depot.

4. Click OK.
5. Click Submit.

If you want more details and options for rules, or want to create a rules file with a customized name, see the P4IGNORE environment variable in the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.