The gconn-user needs admin access

Problem Solution


git push origin master

results in

... GConn P4 user needs admin access ...

The Git Connector configuration script grants the gconn-user the graph depot permission of admin for all graph depots automatically. However, this only takes effect if the gconn-user has an entry in the Helix Core protections spec form. We therefore recommend that the gconn-user be given the list protection for a graph depot.

To verify that the gconn-user has the list protection, as the Helix Core super user, issue the command:

p4 protect -o 

The protection spec form appears and should indicate that gconn-user has the list protection to a graph depot:

list user gconnn-user * //repo/...

If not, edit the protection spec form to include the following line:

list user gconnn-user * //repo/...

For more information, see p4 protect, p4 show-permission, and p4 grant-permission in Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.